Hazard Island

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Winger was snapped out of his memory but Dak patting his shoulder. "Winger, we're here!" Winger took a breath of the pine-scented air that surrounded Hazard Island. It was much easier to enjoy the beauty of Grumblegard's place when they weren't being blown away by the Foreverhorn's powerful winds.

Grumblegard came out of his cave to greet them as he landed. A horde of baby dragons followed him. Heaty ran straight over to Aggro. "Agwo Agwo AGWO!" he shouted happily, hugging the fire dragon's neck. Sizzle and his siblings all jumped onto Cutter, knocking him down. And the baby Shriekscales, Needle and Thorn, attacked Winger's saddle, trying to bite it. Winger laughed and shook them off.

Grumblegard scratched his chin, trying to think of something to say. Words didn't come easily to the almost three-hundred-year-old dragon, especially polite ones. Eventually he decided on "Uh, hello". "Hi, Grumblegard" Summer said. "Hey" Leyla said. "Can I ask you some dragon questions?" "Sure" Grumblegard said, sitting down on a patch of overgrown grass. "Ask away"

Leyla thought for a moment. "What are some cool powers our dragons could unlock?" "Cool?" Grumblegard asked. "You mean like ice breath?"

While Leyla and Grumblegard talked to each other, Dak went over to Winger. "Hey, buddy, you want to go exploring?" "Um... okay" Winger said. "We should just ask Grumblegard if there's anything we'll need to worry about. It is called Hazard Island, after all."

Winger went over to Grumblegard. "Um, me and Dak want to go exploring. Is there anything we should worry about on your island?" Grumblegard thought for a moment. "Not really. Just keep an eye out. I feel like I've been seeing a dragon around here, so just tell me if you do."

"Alright" Winger said, heading back to Dak. "Grumblegard said that there might be a dragon around here, so we should be careful" Dak climbed onto his dragon. "Careful? Hah! Let's go find that dragon!"

Winger sighed. He couldn't change Dak. The boy would never listen to warnings. Winger hoped he would be there to protect Dak when that got him into trouble.

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