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Surrounded I panick and kick the graise then grab the fast one but the suit takes off while I have a grip on its leg. We head to a asteroid and she flings me into it.

"Wow. That was easy. Thought they would put up more of a fight." Says the fast one.
"I'M NOT DONE!" I yell as a I raise my last weapon from my suits wrist and fire it. There is a explosion and that fast one flies away but is stopped.
*Mika's POV*
The dust clears and the suit shot the turban lady with grapple hook. the explosion came from it blowing off its armor from it's frame.
*Kage's POV*
I yank the suit back thanks to my other arm being stuck in the rock. And pin it to the rock.
"ANY WRONG MOVE AND SHE GETS IT!" I frightenly yell.
"With what weapon?" The white one says. And before I know it the one I pinned shoots my shoulder blowing off my arm the was stuck so I retreat but the graise grabs my head and last arm the the pink and blue (maybe pruple) grabs my legs then the white one thrust down on my suit with his sword.
It was inches from my cockpit but someone from the red ship yelled at him to stop. So he did.

A while later I'm sitting in a very nice red room and red furniture pushed to the side. I to am red because they were beating the shit outta me. By three girls were who, apparently piloted three of the five suits. Three more walk in. The man of the turbans himself and kid in a big coat about my age then a tall one with white hair.

"Well that was quiet the show you put on out there. Who heard of a sniper with cqc that good?" Nazai (is that right?) Says.
"Yeah well. I still lost. Out there and in here." I retort.
"Speak like that again and I'll slit your throat." The chick in the red shirt says.
"We need info off of him. Not to just kill him." The tall one says.
"Orga is right. Tell us who hired you." Nazai says sipping wine.
"Gladly. Gallerhorn. Oh my suit? Modded shiden. The sniper rounds? Hevy armor pricing, rare and priceless sell them you'll see what I mean." I spill the beans. Well most of them.
"Wow. Okay. Now how did you get our cordnites?" Orga asks.
"Oh now that? Can't say. If you do let me live after I tell you I'll get killed. Because it wasn't gallerhorn." (Some bts talk with Yuka) I smugly say.
"Mika" Orga nudges his head toward me and Mika shoots me in the leg and shoulder.
"You know kid. There is a reason this room is mostly red. Stains are a pain." Nazai says. "Orga let's go. Give the girls and Mika some time." Orga takes the gun from Mika. And then a pot full of stupid hot rocks and a molten stick with the symbol from the jacket on Mika and Orga is slid in.

A few hours later Orga and nazai return.
"Hey guys. Missing the party." I manage to spit out. There are two tekkadan symbols on me now. One my chest and the other on top of my shoulder bullet wound. My five whiskers have been beaten and tugged on.
"Well we did some looking in your mobile suit and found your job card and it says everything was given by gallerhorn. But the target location. So we did some talking and if you tell us who it was you can stay with tekkadan till this blows over." Nazai explains.
"....taiwaz. I don't know who in taiwaz but it's was from there." I mutter.
"Thank you. Now lets go." Orga says.
"Can't get up. They hit my whiskers with that hammer. Now I can't stand." I explain. Orga and Mika shiver.
"girls. You know those can't be touched no matter what." Nazai says.
"Well you said not to stop till he says something." The red shirt one says.
"I'll talk to them. Mika could you carry him? He small enough" Nazai expalins. Mika nods picks me up and starts following Orga.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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