"Wait so you didn't use any any sort of  move!?" Asuka said in a concerned manner.

"Well yeah, that was just on my power, not my abilities" Wine told Asuka.

Everyone there was shocked, his strength was unimaginable, and it was just only a jab. What else was Wine capable of?

"So Kiriya Sensei, I defeated the dummies, meaning that I have passed the entrance exam which makes me your new student" Wine said while taking out a piece of gum.

"I guess so, welcome to Hanzō Academy Wine, you have passed" Kiriya said with a smile.

The other 4 girls had gone to Wine to talk to him.

"I wish I was as strong as you Wine-senpai" a Pink haired girl said.

'AHHHHHH! SHE'S SO CUUUUUUUUTE! And wait, senpai? I MUST PROTECT HER!' Wine thought while dying on the inside.

"I'm not special if you ask me, I'm still too weak if I'm being honest" Wine told the girl.

"That's not true, you're much more stronger than me. And my name is Hibari, it's very nice to meet you" Hibari said with a smile.

"Same here, and I'll do my best to help you get stronger" Wine said with a goofy grin.

"I'm Katsuragi, I hope we can become good friends and fight alot" Katsuragi said with a grin.

"Yeah! I'd love that" Wine said while giving a grin back.

"I'm Ikaruga, I'm also the class president. It is a pleasure to meet you" Ikaruga said while holding her skirt and bowing her head down.

"No no, the pleasure is all mine" Wine said while bowing his head down as well.

Wine was a person who could read someone like a book, but of course there was those really rare few that he could not. While Wine figured out people's personalities, there was 1 person there he could not read, and that was the twin tailed girl that was staring at him.

"You're the girl from this morning, the one with the umbrella" Wine said.

"So you saw me? I was careless" the girl said.

"Well as you know, my name is Wine, what's yours?" Wine asked the girl.

"My name is Yagyū, that is all" Yagyū told Wine.

'Woah, she's definitely wary of me, and not having trust is bad' Wine thought to himself.

"Well I hope we can become good friends Yagyū" Wine said.

Yagyū looked at Wine, watching his every move. When Wine thought back on how she looked, her eyes is what interested him the most.

'She has crimson eyes, but they feel so...familiar' Wine thought while trying to figure out why.

Wine had never met Yagyū before today, he was sure of that but at the same time when looking into her eyes, they give off the vibe that he's seen those exact once before.

'I really can't tell where, this keeps hurting my brain. Whatever, It'll come to me one day' Wine thought while scratching his head.

"Well I'm glad that you all have introduced yourselves, but of course I want Asuka and Yagyū to stay after since it seems you got caught today" Kiriya said.

"Noooooooo!" Asuka shouted.

"Hmph" Yagyū said.

'Did she just pout?' Wine thought.

"Well now that that's been addressed, let us begin training in the gym" Kiriya said.

"Yes, Kiriya Sensei" everyone said.

Then, everyone walked into the gym to train.

"So for your training today, you will all be fighting in a 1v1 match, since Wine has now joined, it is now even to do" Kiriya said.

'I hope he puts me with Hibari, I promised to make sure I'd help get her stronger' Wine thought.

"The first match will be Asuka vs Hibari" Kiriya said.

'Damn it, I had hoped it was me against Hibari but it's fine, we can always do it another time' Wine thought.

"The second match will be Katsuragi vs Ikaruga" Kiriya said.

'Wait, if the rest of the girls have been picked then that means...' Wine thought as he knew who he was going up against.

"And for the last match, it will be between Wine and Yagyū" Kiriya said.

Wine had looked into Yagyū's eyes and he realized that she was looking to destroy him.

'I can definitely tell, she's not a force to be reckoned with. But I can't lose, if I don't beat her here, I won't be able to become friends with her' Wine thought to himself.

"I'm getting pumped up!" Wine shouted while looking at Yagyū with a grin.

Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal: The Taste of Spilt WineWhere stories live. Discover now