Chapter 3: You're Not My Mother

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---Marietta Bloodmoon--

I woke up in less pain, but with no clue where I was. The bright light made me think of the torture chamber, but I wasn't in as much pain, so I assumed a hospital. Looking around, I realized it wasn't a hospital. Suddenly, the door opened and fear coursed through me. I went to dive under the bed only to realize I was hooked up to a few machines. Instead, I curled up into a ball underneath the thick covers.

Peeping over the covers, I saw the same guy from school. No, father had found another torture method. I was positive of it. I was scared, and shrieked as he came closer. "Please, d-dont hurt me! I'll do whatever you want! Just don't hurt me!" Then I began sobbing. I knew I was going to get beat, I just knew it. When he spoke, it was laced with anger and something I didn't recognize. Concern maybe? 

"Miss, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here to help you." 

I trembled with fear and sobs. "That's what they all say to me, poor, slutty, unwanted, Marietta. Just get it over with. Please, I don't wanna be here." I sobbed even harder.

He sat at the edge of the bed. "Darlin, who's they? Why are you so scared of me? How did you end up with three broken ribs, a fractured ankle, a bruised, welted, sore-riddled body?"


Hard sobs racked her small body. The name Marietta seemed to suit her. She looked like a Marietta. With every sob came a plea for me not to hurt her. It angered me that somebody had made her so scared of everything. I hated her being hurt. I wanted to know who hurt her and what happened. All she'd do is shake her head and beg me not to hurt her.

When Alice, the pack doctor entered, Marietta screamed in terror. "DON'T HURT ME! PERSON IN WHITE LAB COAT! PLEASE, DON'T!" With that, she began to shake and I was sure she was going to pass out again. Alice sent me an extremely concerned and quizzical look. I shook my head, telling her I wasn't sure and filled her in on what had happened before she got there.

--Marietta's Flashback--

I was in a bright white room, chained to a wall. I'd been there for what I'd been told was a week. Everyday, somebody in a white lab coat and mask would come in the room with my father. My father would smile at me and say, "Don't look so scared. We're not going to hurt you. You're my daughter. Look at me."

When I didn't look at him, he'd lash out with a belt across my stomach. "LOOK AT ME, SLUT!" When I finally met his gaze, he'd spray me with something that made me go temporarily blind. Then the real torture began. During the school year, it was only after school and into the nights. During the summer, it was all day, dusk til whenever.

The first time, somebody had paid my father "for a good time" and raped me several times. The  the white lab coat person took a silver dagger, pressing it into my skin, burning crescent marks into me. Every time I screamed out, my father would lash out with the belt. Afterwards, a round of twelve silver bullets were shot into my arms and legs.

When this was done, I was almost unconscious from the pain. To make matters worse, they'd then choke me nearly to death, bring me back, then repeat. When that was finally over, my uncle decided it was a great idea to humiliate me even further by raping me and re-marking me, claiming me as his "mate". When the day was over with, I received medical attention, only to have it repeated the next day. It was every two weeks.

--Flashback Ends--


She was shaking in fear as sobs poured forth from her. "Just chain me up already! I know you're gonna! Just get it over with! Beat me, shoot me, choke me, rape me! Just get it over with!" With every word, she shook even harder. I couldn't even try to comfort her without her jumping back from me. 

"Marietta, what are you talking about? We can't help you unless we know what you've been through," I said as soothingly as I could. I kept talking soothingly to her as Alice took off her coat and set it outside the door.

Then my mother entered the room. "Son, let me try." I stood up so my mother could sit, but I never left her side. "Daughter, it'll be okay. You're safe with us." My mother pulled her closer, and stroked her head. Marietta didn't even look up. 

"Mama? They said you were dead. How?" She sobbed into my mother's chest. My mother didn't correct her, just gently lifted her up. "Marietta, you're goin ta be okay. We're here for you. We're worried about you."

Slowly, Marietta's blue eyes met my mother's blue ones. "You're not my mother! Who are you!" Sorrow radiated from her eyes. "Marietta, let me be your mom. My son is your mate." 

For the first time, she looked at me, before she whispered something softly. "I can't mate. I'm already mated." Again, she was crying. This time, she let me draw her into an embrace.

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