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"Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Very often, it's the place where we find the deepest heartache."

~ Iyanla Vanzant


"You're mine." Her uncle growled with a twisted grin, his face contorted in anger as he pinned her down to the cold, hard bed. Marietta Sarai Bloodmoon, only eighteen and already resigned to this fate, had been beaten mercilessly by the very man who was supposed to protect her - her own father, Alpha Peter Bloodmoon.

The bruises on her skin were deep shades of purple and blue, laced with splatters of crimson from where she had been struck repeatedly. But it wasn't just the physical pain that made her sob uncontrollably, it was the emotional torment of knowing she had no choice in the matter - she would have to accept and mate with one of her abusers.

Her father's voice echoed in her mind, threatening her with a slow and agonizing death if she dared to reject him. And so, with trembling hands and a heavy heart, Marietta gave in to his demands. It was a matter of survival now.

The taste of copper flooded her mouth as her uncle's fangs sunk into the soft flesh between her neck and collar bone, the metallic flavor invading her senses as she let out a guttural scream of pain. He didn't bother to ease her suffering by licking the wound clean - he wanted to leave his mark on her as quickly as possible. In two weeks' time, he would claim her again and make their bond official.

Bound and helpless, Marietta could only watch in horror as he stripped away her clothes and violated her body. She had lost all sense of self-respect in this pack, reduced to nothing more than an object for them to use at their will.

With a final cruel thrust, he finished his brutal assault on her, relishing in the satisfying sound of bones cracking under his fists. As she lay battered and bleeding on the ground, he delivered one last blow that left her unconscious from the sheer agony.

And so she lay there, bruised and broken both physically and mentally, longing for an escape from this living nightmare. But for now, she was trapped - the Alpha's daughter turned into nothing more than an omega in his brutal pack.

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