A Sons Revenge

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It has been a few years since the fall of the gang, Arthur's death paved the way to freedom for many others, John and his family lived a merry life, Tilly is happily married to a rich man and is on route to delivering a baby, Trelawny even started a family of his own and Mary-Beth pursued her dreams of being an established writer. Then came his bastard Son, Theodore and Arthur didn't always see eye to eye when he was first introduced to the gang but as Arthur's days came to a sudden end, the Father and Son had quite a bond.

Laughter erupted in the middle of the woods, a few burned brightly in the middle of it as Father and Son shared a few bottles of rum, whiskey, and moonshine together. It brought Arthur memories of the time spent with Lenny in the bar but here, they weren't making fools of themselves in front of many.

"You know, for an old and sick man you're still quite the drinker!"

"Shut up, cheers!"

Arthur and Theodore spoke in a slur, clinking the glass bottle in their hands before downing the rest of the liquid, it went smoothly for the 19-year-old but for the 36-year-old, every swig caused his lungs to burn even more but the time spent with his Son allowed Arthur to power through this sickness of his. Like every liquor he drank, Arthur soon became sentimental as his mind wavered a little.

"You know...you had a Brother, his name was Isaac. I couldn't protect him and his mother, that's why I was so harsh on you when you came, I didn't want you to live through the life I did..."

"Well...Mother told me that would happen, she said something about how people like you don't want to bring kids into all of this, well I took the bargain to find you when she died of Cholera. You may think I'm such a fool for joining you in this life but...you're all I have left and...you're going too."

"Heh, you're starting to sound like me every day but listen, this whole thing is coming to an end and when the time comes, I want you to run and don't look back, same goes for John and his family."

"I'll try, you know I'm not always good at following orders."

"That you are...but at least get John and his family to safety, young Jack he....doesn't deserve all of this."

"I will Old Man, I will."

"Thank you, Son..."

The two spoke solemnly with each other before blacking out, the next few days were hell, Dutch has gotten involved with the Indians and the army situation which led to the death of Eagle Flies, an angry fool he manipulated and used to gain wealth. The next came the train robbery where they managed to get a pretty decent take but at the cost of John and when Dutch decided to abandon Abigail, Theodore knew that he could no longer follow Dutch and his hatred for Micah grew. He, Arthur and Sadie decided to spring forth to help break out Abigail Roberts.

"Alright Mr. Milton, it seems that we have to talk this out like gentlemen! Come on Son, follow me!"

Arthur spoke in frustration after Sadie was captured by the Pinkertons, Theodore followed suit and armed with his Schofield Revolver, him and his Father tore through the remaining Pinkertons and got to Abigail, Theodore remained outside to keep a lookout.

"You're losing your strength, Mr. Morgan!"

"And you're still a yapping dog, Mr. Milton!"

Arthur tried but his strength vanished in that very moment, he was now staring down the barrel of a revolver and thought this was the end until a shot rang out, Milton let out a cry of pain as one of his knees gave out and another shot rang out, causing the agent to fall to both his knees. Arthur took this opportunity to knock the revolver out of his hands before looking at the door.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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