Keepsake of the heart

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In his hands the relic of the fallen loved one rest. Breidablik,Kiran's weapon. It was the only thing that he has of her. Her memories that he has,It was slowly fading in his mind."There you are.." A voice it was somewhere behind him. "You're here again..."Thrasir said as she looks around.

It was the office of the Askr's Summoner. The flowers on the same base everyday. Lif always does this. When the flowers dies,He replace it with a fresh ones. It became a routine for him. Thasir sighed, She at least appreciate it. The first few years Lif spent all his days inside the Summoner's Chambers just standing there in deep thought and staring into noting. "What is it?" He asked without looking at Thrasir who was behind him.

"Hel said we should get ready....In a bit the barrier around the portal to Askr will break soon."Thrasir turns around. "She's waiting in her castle." She informed him. "And I see that you still have the relic..."

"Of course..." He traced the patterns of the relic carefully with his fingers in fear of damaging it. "It's the only thing I have left of her."

"I see..."Thrasir sighs. "Let's go 'Lif'." She walks ahead. Lif puts away the Relic and looked at the desk.

"I'll see you soon...Kiran..."


"You. " Kiran jolts upon cold voice as she slowly turns to see who it was.

Ah....Lif can feel his undead heart break. Of all the people he needed to see right away. Why her?

Kiran looks at Lif with a confuse look as she registers that he was an enemy. The confuse stare turned into a glare. Alfonse steps infront of Kiran protectively"Are you a soldier from the realm of the dead?" There he was his otherself.

"My name is Líf." Kiran expression change to a expression that she seems to wear whenever she tries to figure something out. Hand on her chin, glaring to the ground. Same as ever. She's starting to plan for their strategy.

There she was. His sister also standing stubbornly and protectively infront of Kiran, Fensalir in hand. "Líf? You can't be..." His otherself starts to ponder on his name. He knows that it won't be long before otherself finds out. Or worse Kiran does.

"Alfonse? What's wrong?" Sharena asked as Lif sighs. She was exactly painfully the same as ever.

"Tremble before Sökkvabekkr, the sword of I destroy this world." He said in a voice that he can't recognize as his own.


"Sharena, the citizens of Askr, even....Kiran..." Lif's eyes landed on the Summoner as he sees she was in tears. It was painful to look at her like that. "I couldn't save a single one of them." He closes his eyes wishing to see her smile one last time. "The grief twisted me." He sighs and continues. "But they all yet live in your world." Seeing Kiran and Sharena alive and being able to talk to them. "Perhaps I can draw some small comfort from that..." He remembers the warmth of Kiran when he hugged her. "Please, Alfonse... Ensure a happier future for your Askr." He spoke his last wish.

"Alfonse.." Kiran called with a soft voice and gentle when he opened his eyes. She was there. Infront of him. Kneeling down like him. As she repeated what she did that day on the summoning platform putting her hand on his cold cheeks. Allowing him to feel her warm hand one last time and see that smile he always yearn to see all this years. "I promise we will continue what you and your Kiran left undone." She said still smiling but determination in her eyes. "We will defeat Hel...You have my word." He huffs as he place his hand on hers on his cheek. Hoping to feel its warmth before she removes it. "Rest now Alfonse...." She smiled bitterly as tears fall on her cheek and she planted a kiss on his forehead.

She stood up and following the others. Leaving him with his otherself. He prepares for what's to come.


"Well, Kiran......You should be able to wield this one too." Alfonse hands her the Breidablik as she traced the patterns. Tears falls on it. Alfonse puts a hand on her shoulder pulling her into a hug. Sharena hugged them making it a bear hug. The Princess was crying to.

In her hand she hugged Breidablik. As she sobs into the hug. After a few minutes they calmed down. Alfonse spoke again and the three of them separated from the hug as Alfonse took her hand intertwining it with his own. "It's time to return to the realm of the dead. We must end this waking nightmare Hel has fashioned. By our hands. There can be no mistake." He grasp her hand as he was drawing strength. His right. They have to finish this. They can't lose not this time.

"Prince Alfonse,You have to wake up...This is noting more then a passing dream...Reality is waiting for you.."A voice whispered in his head.

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