Chapter 7

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Akashi P.O.V

I glance at the clock on my screen seeing the time I take a deep breath and yawn slightly as I look at the very few paragraphs I had written, I've produced very little work in the time but, I'm trying to take things slower so I can savoir my time with Tetsuya, He really struck a cord with me earlier, He so easily picked up on the fact I loved him. He really is observant 

"Uh Akashi, We've been working for hours I should head back" He says, I look over at him from my screen and nod 

"Ah yes uh Are you sure you don't wanna stay here tonight? I can lend you some clothes" I offer seeing him bite his lip, Probably thinking it through "You can have the guest room if you wish" He sighs gently and nods 

"Yeah that'd be nice thanks" He smiles gently, I nod and stand up as I walk to the closet pulling some clothes out for him to sleep in as he packs away and gently places Nigou in his bed. I pass him the clothes I had picked out for him, 

"You can get changed in the bathroom and then I'll show you to the guest room" I smile gently and watch as he leaves, I sigh gently and sit down in my chair, Father will probably be so mad at the work today but I'll just say its a group project. I frown gently and look up at the door grabbing a tissue and grabbing the pen he used. sticking it in my drawer. 

No I'm not a yandere and I'm not one of those people who are obsessed, Its for fingerprints. I can run them through the database for his family contacts, I'll start there. Maybe I can find his parents or something. 

I hear the door open and I look up smiling as I see Tetsuya in my clothes, He looks so nice in them. No, I can't think like that right now I can't get distracted with lewd thoughts. I stand up and smile gently as I lead him to the guest room. "Now Its not much since its only for guests but you'll be comfortable for tonight. I open the door to the room and watch as his eyes light up at the sight of the fluffy pillows and the brightness. He walks in

"This is Just fine. Thank you Akashi" He says, I smile and nod 

"Its okay, Ill see you in the morning we can walk to class together" I shut the door leaving him in the room. Me and Tetsuya will have to work hard for this group project, At least I picked something that had a lot of information on it. Never thought I'd be glad I picked an easy job. I smile to myself and sit back at my desk before pulling up some files on my computer. I stare at the screen at the news reports




I sigh gently seeing Tetsuyas picture on the news reports, I shake my head and click the next tab 


I shake my head, What body did they use to stage this? WHY would they stage this? I don't understand at all, I take a deep breath and type in 

'Sebu Watashi' 

I frown softly looking through everything my search brings, None of this match the man in my guest bedroom, None of these pictures or birth certificates are the man who calls himself Sebu. This confirms this, Its a fake name. A very fake name, I shake my head and bang it against the table. Nothing I have found NOTHING besides the fact that hes using a fake name. Maybe I can get more work done for the project. I yawn again

Maybe I should just get some sleep, But...I can't Not when someone who might be Tetsuya is a few feet away from my bedroom. 

Not when the man I love might be sleeping a few doors away from me after so long, I shake my head and Dial Midorima's number 

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