Chapter 6

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Akashi P.O.V

I look back at Tetsuya as we all stay silent, Mouths open wide in shock as we stare at him,

Did he just, Did I hear him right?

He blinks slightly and looks around before frowning and rubbing his head "Ah..." He mumbles "Sorry..I.. Don't know where that came from" he says a look of confusion on his face "My mouth worked faster than my brain" he mumbles still petting the dog that was wagging its tail happily. "Whats his name?"

"Nigou" I whisper watching him look up at me, Shock overtaking his beautiful features, 

"He was Tetsu's Dog, Akashi takes care of him" Aomine adds, He frowns slightly and looks back down at the dog. "You've never heard his name before?" 

"It sounds familiar but no I've never heard it. My mouth worked faster than my brain I'm sorry if I offended anyone" He says and looks up at me, "You look after your friends dog?" I nod 

"Yeah, After he..He passed I decided I'd look after his puppy because, well It meant a lot to him" I say. There was a flash of something in his eyes, A hint of recognition and...Respect.

"Thats awfully nice of you" he says and looks down before picking Nigou up and smiling "I'm sure he'd love what you're doing" I have to bite my tongue from responding inappropriately I smile 

"Thank you, Shall we get something to eat? I can get the cooks to make us something" I smile seeing him frown slightly before turning to the dog in his arms. I sigh softly

I guess this version of Kuroko Tetsuya hates when I mention things relating to my family or house. Is it because I'm classed as Rich? Does he not like the rich? Or does he not like me? 

"Wheres your bathroom?" He asks as he sets Nigou down, I clear my throat as I shake myself out my thoughts, I smile softly pointing up the stairs 

"Uh first door up the stairs, When you come back down we'll be in the dining room Just in there" I say pointing to the door, He nods and slowly walks up the stairs. As soon as the door shuts we all look at each other 

"What the fuck?" Aomine whispers as we walk to the dining room, 

"I dont know seeing Nigou must have made a memory resurface" Midorima says. I sit down and grab my laptop out.

"Kise I assume you told him what we agreed on" I say typing my password in, I thought something was up with him since he kept asking us all about my fathers company. So I told kise to give false information out to him just in case.

"Yes I told him" Kise says and looks around, "He seems to have lost his memory..How do we get it back?" He asks 

"First we find out what happened to him, Leading us to HOW he lost his memory. THEN we get it back. If some memories resurface as we go then great. But right now? I want vengeance." I say and frown, Who ever did this to my Tetsuya will pay. I swear they will, I'll make sure they pay with their lives.

"What are you typing?" Murasakibara asks as he munches on some chips

"I'm getting into the police reports from when he went missing, Looking into the evidence filed then I can focus my efforts there" I say and sigh "Please stop eating so loud mura, I can't think" I say. 

"How can you get into those reports? they're secure" Kagami asks 

"Because Kagami, I'm incredibly smart and contrary to popular belief, I'm not a 'good' kid who follows my fathers rules." I say "I learn a great many things without his knowledge" I smile slightly as I look through the police reports. Clicking the Missing persons folder and looking at the years 

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