the beginning✰1✰

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{Mitsuki's POV}
Me and my little brat went out for a walk today because he wouldn't stop bothering me he wanted to go outside him being 6 years old I can see why he wants to go outside but God damn he's got an attitude already while. I was sitting on the outside bench he was playing in the woods nearby he always plays in the woods so I didn't really mind until he didn't come back of course he's my child I still have to care for the little shit. I started to call out for him but no answer this is the Future King how did I lose him he is my child my responsibility! I started to call out his name over and over again

{Bakugous POV}
Of course I heard my mom yelling for me but I didn't care all I cared about was the huge egg in front of me and of course you'll know what I did I picked it up and started walking to Mom which I know she's going to be mad at me but I don't care what if this egg is a dragon egg that'd be so cool to have a pet dragon! Anyways I started walking to my mom she looked like she was kind of freaking out but I didn't care of course I slowly walked up to her because this egg is actually pretty heavy she looked at me and she was pissed and then she looked at the egg that I had in my hands her eyes went wide and she took the egg from me she examined it and then looked at me again and asked ”where the hell did you get this??” I looked at her and started to get mad and then I answered her in the rude voice "I found it in the woods mom!!! I think it's a dragon egg and I want to keep it cuz I want a pet dragon and it seemed like he was alone cuz it's freezing if the mother was taking care of it wouldn't she be with it??” she looked at me rolling her eyes she pointed at the castle telling me to go inside I started to walk inside and she had the eggs still in her hand walking inside behind me I was so happy that Mom let me keep it but she told me that I have to take care of it even though I'm 6 years old. of course I was grounded to for not listening to her whatever

{Two weeks later}
Are we still grounded because I was also arguing back with her or whatever. I heard her call for me as she opened my door she kind of looked excited I don't see that much on her face I looked up at her and confusion she told me I was ungrounded but what she also said was the egg was hatching that means we finally get to know what it is I really hope it's a dragon! She told me where she put the egg to incubate it and I started to run to the egg she had it in a room with a heat lamp over it and some blankets under it so he can stay still I ran over to it watching it as it moved and cracked after awhile it finally opened I started to help it out of the egg once it was fully out I could tell that it was a dragon but he was also human I was confused at this point I called for my mom to come in she came in walking slowly she said “what dammit??” she looked at the little dragon hybrid in the mess of blankets staring right back at her “Is that what came from the egg?? Oh my God! It's a hybrid!” I looked up at her rolling my eyes the saying“But if he just hatched why is he so big??” she looked down at me “Dragons are different Katsuki! Now you can start helping him with stuff I'm going to lay down” I looked at her and slightly growled the boy looked at me with a smile on his face. He had red hair drooped down he already has hair??? Jeez he had small red scales you couldn't really see big red wings and a tail he had tiny back horns. I called for a maid or whatever you want to call it one of them came into the room “Yes prince Katsuki!” I rolled my eyes at how loud this man was and answered “go get me some clothes for my new friend!” he bowed and ran out the room I looked back at the boy he was looking at me still examining me Oh wait! Do I have to name him?? I felt something poke me I jumped and the maid came back in giving me the clothes I doubt the distracting knows how to change so of course I told the maid to help him out and teach him after that the red haired boy tried to stand up but kinda stumbled I helped him for weeks or even months after all of that happened me and him became best of friends. I kept on helping him he knew how to walk dress and even eat properly! But I'm still working on trying to get him to talk

{9 years later because I'm lazy}

{Still bakugou's POV}
I'm now 15 and shitty hair is 14 or some shit. now and he knows how to talk and write but this fucking guy just won't leave me alone! I get me and him live together and I thought him all he knows but why the fuck is he so attached to me!? I don't understand it! I just need some damn space sometimes then he gets all pouty and is mad for the rest of the damn day! God he is so clingy! I don't get it!

{Kirishima's POV}
I think bakugou gets mad at me alot. I don't know what's up with him he always looks so mad now. But I've just been talking to him mom here lately about it she just said that he is going through puberty or whatever that is I just shrugged It off and started to Rome the huge halls in the castle I wasn't paying attention to where I was going because I bumped into Bakugou bakugou turned around with a snarl on his face “What the hell shitty hair????” he snapped at me he kept yelling but I broker him out feeling tears form in my eyes I started to put my head down I ran away from him he called my name but I didn't care I ran out the castle into the woods I tripped over a rot and scrapped my knee pretty bad but I didn't care I just sat there till I started to calm down I leaned against the tree I was resting on looking around me I felt at home but I know home was at the castle where the guy who just screamed at me was......

But for some reason I love him

//I know I haven't finished my other story but I got bored of it and now I'm here SO
Word count: 1229
I tried don't @ me

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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