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Ok. So someone told me bellboy has a name and its James from the SCP Video. But I dunno- so I'm sticking to bellboy.

I'm supposed to be reading a book but I cant focus so ima update this one-

And I'm sorry about the 2 year wait. But it's ok now I'm back


Y/n's pov.
I lazily get up knowing what time it is. I look over seeing it's 4am. I sit up so I don't go back to sleep. I have to leave so I can make it to the hotel.

I yawn as I get up to change into the hoodie and sweats I had laid out for today. Once changed I collect my things leaving out the door locking it before I leave.

~Let's skip all that airport nonsense riiight~

I wait for my friend coming to pick me up. The rain is light so it doesn't really bother me for now. I look over seeing a car slowly pull up. I see f/n roll their window down "hey pretty human want a ride" they say. I smile "why of course I would" I say as I make my way to the car.

The open the trunk so I can set my bags In it. I shut it then go to the passenger door opening it. "Uhm. Mind the mess-" they say grabbing the fast food bags tossing them in the back. "I might just give you a one star for that" I say making them laugh as I get in.

The rain starts to hit harder as they start driving. "I ordered some food that should show up when we get to my place. Then after I make sure you ate I'll drop you off at the hotel. Alright?" The explain.

Ah yes. The mom friend. I missed them very much. "Yep sounds great" I simply answer. They smile taking a right turn.


"Leave you bags it'll be useless if you bring them in anyway" they say walking up to their door. I follow behind feeling the warm of their home. "Says they're outside, sit down I'll go see" f/n head outside to see. I take a seat on the couch looking around.

"Okay I got your favorite, at least I hope it still is" f/n says walking in with two bags. "Come get it, it's (favorite food)" "I'm coming" I say hopping up and walking over. I hold my hands up as they set the food in my hands. "Here's some napkins since your messy" "I'm not a child no more-" I say.

They laugh as they set the rest out. "I'm sure you'll still be messy child or not." F/n says.


~at the hotel~

"Here I'll carry this bag" f/n says. "Thank you" I say as we walk in. "Gotta get the key first" I metion as I walk up to the front desk. "Y/n l/n" I say. The lady nods as she bends down coming back up with a key sliding it over.

"Thank you" I say taking it and walking back to f/n. "What floor?" "Third floor room 301" I say as we walk to the elevator.

"This place is pretty nice" f/n says breaking the silence. "Yes, it even has a pool I think" "you think." "I skimmed the website" I say shrugging. "I swear" f/n shakes their head as the elevator doors open.

"It's nice so far isn't it-" "wait y/n look-" f/n starts but I bump into someone. "...out" f/n finished. "I-im so sorry!-" "no- I'm sorry I wasn't looking" I open my eyes seeing light blue hair. "The elevator door-" before I could register who this was or what's happening I was pulled into the hall.

f/n stopped the doors from closing though with their hand. "you two done making out" f/n says. "Hey-" I say. I look back seeing blue eye matching their hair. Then it clicked.

"Bellboy-" "yes-" he looks up. He looks shocked "y/n it's nice to see you again" he gives a warm smile. "It is but we gotta stop meeting in clumsy ways" I say smiling back. "Here" bellboy gets up holding a hand out for me.

"Thank you" I smile taking his hand. I go to grab my bag but bellboy was already picking it up. "What room are you going to? I can take you there" he offers. "Mm 301" I say. "That's this way" he says leading the way.

"Oo you got your boyfriend back" f/n says nudging my arm. "Hey- it's just a coincidence" I say as we follow him.


Yay I updated. I don't know how many of you still have this but I updated and I kinda like it still. Even after all the stuff that's happened.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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