Challenge #4

115 10 14

Once you believe, you die.

"Dude, she's so hot."
"Yeah, man, I've been dying to ask her out."
"Not if I get there first, bro."

Cassie snorted softly as she walked past the 'in crowd' in the cafeteria. It consisted mostly of jocks and cheerleaders, all of whom were mean, perverted or stupid. She had been at Zephyr High for a week, and all she had ever heard from that group was either catty insults from the girls, or boys completely objectifying her. 

She gracefully slid into a seat at an empty table in a corner, tucking a stray lock of her long, wavy chocolate brown hair behind her ear. Her long fingers delicately picked up the corn and spinach sandwich and brought it to her mouth. She washed it down with some orange juice, and pulled out a book she had just started reading. She must've been reading for about five minutes, when a low, husky voice said, "Hey."

Startled, she whipped her amber gaze up to meet the piercing gray eyes of Colton King. He was the most lusted after boy at this school, or so she had heard from breathy conferences in the bathroom. Apparently he was a 'total hunk' and was 'the best kisser ever'. She had heard this from six different girls so far, and all of them were blonde, puppy eyed idiots.

Confused, her eyebrows knitted together, and she said cautiously, "Hello."

He smirked, and began, "Cassandra-"

She raised her hand in a motion for him to stop. He did, his brow furrowing. 
"I don't like being called that. Please, call me Cassie," she requested softly.

He nodded, smiling, and continued, "So, Cassie, I don't know if you know this, but all the guys are saying you're the hottest chick at school right now. And what with me being, well, me, I figured it's only appropriate for us to be seen together."

Cassie's focus shifted to the straw in her OJ carton, and she began twirling it with one finger absentmindedly, before saying, "What are you suggesting?"

Colton leaned forward slightly, and with a sly smile, he said, "Meet me later?"

Cassie raised an eyebrow at him. Then she stood up, smoothed her skirt down, and said, "I have dance practice last thing at school today. Pick me up," before stalking off, leaving Colton King breathless in a way he couldn't quite understand.


Colton had only olive skin, dark hair and beautiful amber eyes on his mind as he trudged up the ice-covered steps that led to the dance studio after school was out. He gently pushed the door open, and the first thing he noticed was the sound of frantic violin music playing. He walked inside, and what he saw took his breath away. Cassie was wearing a tiny skirt, tights, and a crop top; she was completely lost in the music, and she seemed to be flying. No matter how difficult a step was, her feet seemed to always be a few inches off the ground, and then she would spin and stretch and leap and it was stunning. 

He watched in awe until the music stopped, and he heard Cassie laugh. She said, "You look so funny. Like you've seen a ghost or something." 

He shook his head slightly and said, "No ghost. Just an angel." Mentally, he slapped himself. Being cheesy was not his thing. He avoided romance, simply because it was so much easier pretending to be a player. Girls threw themselves at him, and they had no expectations whatsoever. He reminded himself to stay calm, and walked towards Cassie. 


Cassie watched Colton's movements carefully. He didn't seem like a bad person. For a moment, she thought about telling him her secret, but then decided that she would tell him later, if he continued to show romantic interest in her. She didn't want to scare him.

He picked up her bag and playfully nudged her shoulder with his, before saying, "Come on, beautiful, we're going to go for a drive."

She noticed he was slurring slightly, but decided not to say anything about it.

Her heart began to pound with an equal mixture of apprehension and excitement as she walked next to him towards a classy looking silver car. He held the door open for her and  she smiled shyly at him before getting in.

The car was warm, something she was grateful for, but her memories made her shiver. She was so focused on hiding her fear from Colton that she barely noticed when the car stopped.

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