Suprises !!, refectiion, and new feelings and regret

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Back at fairy tale


Am having fun with Lisanna . Things have been great scine Lucy has left. She was so weak and nobody even liked her. My feelings for Lisanna have grown stronger. We decided to become a couple two weeks after she left. Am glad she left , I don't feel sorry for what I did . She diserved what she got after what she did to Lisanna. That day she came into the guild all bloddy and broken I was pissed ,and when she told me that Lucy was the one that did it to her I just couldn't believe it. But when wendy told me that she saw it happen I was convinced. Then she had the balls to come to the guild and act like she didnt do anything. Me and the guild members kicked her ass . But the bitch didnt take the hint that we didnt want her here and would show up at the guild everyday. So I kicked the bitch of the team , but the dumb slut still didnt leave until we told her what we really thought of her.

Erza >prov

Am happy that lucy gone. I use to think that Lucy would never hurt anyone so when I had heard what she had did to Lisanna I didnt believe it. But then Wendy told me that she was there and had saw the whole thing. I felt so stupid, I had stuck up for her , and she made me look like a fool. Then she came to the guild and acted like she didnt do anything. Like we wouldn't find out. The bitch makes me so angry, and am glad she gone. If I see her again I don't know if I can control myself from hurting her.

Levy >prov

What Lucy did to Lisanna was unforgivable. She ws my best friend and I thought I knew her best. But apparently I didn't, because I never thought she capable of doing something so cruel. I never want to see her again, and if I ever do see her again, I won't  let her off so  easy .


I was surprised when the told me what Lucy did. But you know what they say "the nice ones are the craziest ones". In the end she got what was coming to her.


My feelings for ex-love rival have went from semi hate to white hot fury. I can see why she was he jealous, I've been down that road before. But I would never result to almost killing someone to conquer someone else's love.

Lisanna >prov

I am deeply hurt by what Lucy did to me. I actually thought we would be good friends considering that she was Natsu best friend while I was gone. I never got to , even get to know her. But the thought of even getting to know on her went down the drain when she just jumped me out of the blue. I understand she liked Natsu but seriously.


I cant believe bunny girl did that to Lisanna. The bitch is going to get the beating of her life if    I ever  see her  again . She made my levy sad and hurt one of my nakama .


We are been summoned by the princess . Which is quite rare, considering she hates are guild, scine we always destroy stuff. It must be a big deal.


Everyone >prov

Thank you fairy tale for coming to meet me on such a shory notice . The meeting hall where they all were gathered at was silent , the all were curious as to why they were their . Looking a the princess we could tell it wasn't good. Her face was screwed up and her eyes were down cast  she looked like she was about to cry.

The day I changed ( lucy ×?)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora