New friends , Rivalry, and Gossip

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I  Looked at them and drew to the conclusion  that we werent  going to get along. But I decided  to  throw  caution  to  the wind and try to be  nice.  After all am suppose  to be brave and stronger. So that means not showing others that  they  make me uneasy.  I guess that I made  the right decsion  because they were actually  very kind and welcoming.  I found  myself  warming  up  to  the one girl named Jade. She is small for age , but what she lacks in height  she makes up in attitude. She is quick to snap when you say something to her that she doesn't  like,  and could shut down even the toughest  wizard  with just a glare.  

From what I've seen she seems to have a crush on Jordon. He kinds of reminds me of Jellal except  that his eyes are blue . Hes cute, but not my type. She acts like she doesn't  like him,  and  she is  always complaining  about how he so childish,  and  annoying.  But if you look at her face when she describing  the things he does, you'll  see the coners of her lips curling into  a smile and a twinkle in her eyes . He doesnt keep it a secret  that  he  likes  her.  In fact  , he's  always   flirting with her, giving her compliments,  that make hef blush. From what I heard he  even  asked  her out a bunch of times. But of course she always turns him down . I guess  it's  because she doesnt think that he's serious,  or that she shy even with the whole bad ass thing she projects.

Then there's  Michael   . He is the silent type. He doesn't say much but  when  he does it is very wise. His  statements  cause  you  to  think ,  to dig deeper , and reflect.  His hair is silver and his eyes are blue . Kayla has the same hair color as jordon but  her eyes are red . She is 14 and small, but the girl is seriously  powerful , she came to master  kameiswa for the same reason as me. She  barely knew  how to use her  power, and would be bullied at the school  she  went to . So she asked  her parents to  to send her here . They agreed because they had saw what was happening , and wanted to their daughter to be happy. She told me that  she lives here.

Yuki said he came because  he need to get stronger so that he could join a guild . So he looked for a  trainer and came up with master  kameiswa.  Kaven is jada brother he has blond hair though he comes  off mean and rude  sometimes  but  if you get to know him you'll find  out that  he's very nice.  I think he has a few demons like me.  Theirs also someone  named Surkara.  I've  never seen  her  before  so I can't tell you what she looks  like.  They all stay up in the mountain but I decided  to stay in my hotel/apartment.  Its not that I dont like them . Its just that I don't  know  if  I  can  fully  trust  them  yet.


I begin training  today. I will be in a class by myself scine technically speaking am a amateur, and am the only one  who  knows  celestial  magic. We praticed for 2 hours straight and let me tell you it was grueling.  I never felt so tired in my life.  My muscle feel  like someone  has  clawed at them , I want to do is sleep. We went over fighting first: hand to hand ,sword  on  sword. Then he  made  me study tactics  for fighting with  my  keys.  Then he told me to use  that information  and attack him, he would conter with his own magic. I was  knocked down  so  many  times today, I cant even count. When he made me hike up and down  the mountain  3 times , that's  not  even  including  the time spent getting there.  Getting hime I barely had enough  energy to  take  a  shower  , before  I  collapsed  in bd. But even after all that hard work I was left with safacted feel. I could already tell that  I was  getting  stronger.

Master kamwisha > prov

The  girl wasnt that strong. She wasnt able to block any of my attacks, and the simple  excise  I told  her to  do , were  as she would  say  torture . The first step in wanting to become stronger is to    is to become stronger  physically  , hen mental,  to have confidence  in  one's  ability and believe  that  you  can  actually  become  better. Then you actually  move on to making  your   power  stronger.  So I will  give lucy time to  heal mental , and until she ready I'll   train her to get stronger  physically. When  that's  through  I  will  train  her in making her magic  better.



Lucy >prov

Jada had invited  me  over  to her house or more appropriately a apartment.  It kind of reminds  me of my old apartment. She lives in a aparment on the mountain right  across  from  Yuki. Kayla here too.   Right now am lounging  around  on  her  couch,  my muscles  are still  sore  , so am trying to refrain  from   any  activity  that would call for the use of muscle. We're Gossiping about the boys , what we like and dislike  about them , that are also  telling me about embarrassing  things that  have  happened.

"I remember  the time when a Yuki was flirting  with  this girl that  worked at this  dinner we use to always go to. He was tryinng  to  convince  her to  go  out  on a date with  him.  Surkara  had seen  the whole  thing  , and she was so angry.  So she went up to the girl while Yuki  was gone and told the girl that  she was his girlfriend.  The girl  was  pissed  to say the least. When Yuki came back she poured his order of  lemonade  on his head.  He thought  the girl  had  lost her marbles. So he started  yell at her. But the girl  wasnt  backing  down. She confronted Yuki   about  the  girlfriend thing and when he asked who told her that  she  pointed to  Surkara.  He told the girl that she was just some random chick that  had been  stalking  him. "

"You should  have  seen  her face" said  jada with   tears rolling  down her eyes  as she   laughed uncontrollably.

"What so funny "asked a   voice from the door way. 

Jada voiced died down as the  air in the room became tense

"Nothing" said  jada,  she had  gone pale with what looked  like  fear.  This shocking top me,  in the short  time  I came to know  jada   I never seen her show fear to anyone, not even  master  kameiswa.  So why is it that  she seemed  to  want to croward in a conrer so where.

" Oh , really  from what I heard  you were laughing at me she" said   her tone low  and  warning .

"No I was -  exsuce me but who are you,  I asked  the girl returnning her cold and  unwelcoming  voice. I  didnt really care who she was , all I knew was that she was   bullying  Jada ,acting just  like  the people from my  old guild?  I knew that she continued  doing what  she was doing now. That I would do to her what  I wanted to do at  fairytale  numerous of times   . I didnt care if she was  stronger  .

"I should be the asking you the same thing she  said  rasied one of her perfectly  trimmed  eyebrows.

"   My Name is lucy heartfilia.

" Well Lucy  I advice  that you  keep your mouth shut because around here it can get you in alot of  trouble.  She turned on one of those  small feet of hers and made her way to  the exit . Suddenly  she turned around,  and looked at me smiling evily. " One more thing  , stay away  from  Yuki hes mine and dont get your hopes up on exceeding  me, If they couldn't do it   she said gesturing  towsrd Kayla  and  Jada,   than you most  definitely  cant she said before smirking  evily and walking  away.

The girl made my blood  boil. Her words didnt discourage  me in fact all the manage to do  beside anger me, was make me want to , beat her even more.

The day I changed ( lucy ×?)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz