Chapter 1

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Sabrina POV

I can't believe he told me he didn't want to be a father and that he doesn't know if he wants to be apart of the baby's life. Does he think that this was planned because it surely wasn't.

I drive myself home and just lay in my bed crying. What was he thinking did he think that I was ready to have a baby, no, I'm only 23 and was not planning for this to happen.

I decided to take a nap and when I woke up it was already 8. I got up took a hot shower and decided to make myself something to eat. As I was scrolling through Instagram I came across a picture of me and my best friends that's why it hit me how much I really missed them and needed them right now.

I got up to put my plate in the sink when my phone started ring and the caller ID said MOM

"Hey mom, what are you doing" I was not ready to tell her I was pregnant but I really needed her advice.

"Nothing just got home. Hey are you ok you look sad?"

"Mom I have to tell you something and I have no clue how your going to react."

"What's wrong your worrying me" She really sounded worry which made me more stressed.

" Mom I'm pregnant and I have no clue what to do. Me and Tom broke up because he said he's not ready to be a father, I just don't know what to do." I said through tears .

" Oh honey it's ok. Your an adult you got yourself into the hat situation so now you have to deal with the consequences. If Tom wasn't ready then that's on him but if you want to keep the baby I'm will support you no matter what. Your smart enough to make the decisions you need to make, do what makes you happy."

"Thanks mom I really needed that"

"No problem honey you know I'm always here but I should start making dinner. Bye I love you."

"I love you to"

I'm so glad she called me because knowing me I would not have called her. I really needed her advice and I'm glad I got it because now I know what I'm going to do. I've been pregnant for about two weeks and decided to tell Tom now because I don't know how he was going to react and I'm glad I waited to tell him.

I'm going to keep the baby but I'm definitely not staying in New York I need to surround myself with people I love so I'm going to book a one way flight to LA.

Next day

It was Thursday and I already booked my flight for Saturday morning. I already told Zendaya,Ella, and Naomi I decided to move to LA, they were so excited that I think one of them were crying. I haven't told them about the baby because I want to do that face to face. As for Tom I'm not telling him we broke up and wants nothing to do with the baby so there's nothing to discuss. He's in New York shooting End Game and then he flys back to London. I'm so ready to just leave.

Saturday afternoon

I just landed I only brought two suitcases and everything else was being shipped . I had bought a house not to far from the girls so we're all close. Right now I'm getting my suitcases and then meeting up with the girls for lunch, I think I'm going to tell them at lunch. As I got in my car to drive to Veggie Grill I become really nervous and I don't know why. When I pull up to Veggie Grill I see them. Wow I really missed them I say in my head. We all hug and cry a little before taking our seats. It's been almost 30 minutes of us catching up and talking about our life's so I think now the time to tell them.

"Um guys I have something to tell you" they all look at me worried

"What is it?" Data says in a panicked voice

"I'm pregnant" there was silence at the table but that didn't last long they all got up to hug me and bombard me with questions.

"So how far along are you?" Ella asked

" Almost 3 weeks" I already knew what question was coming next.

"So we all know the baby is Tom's, so where is he we thought he would be coming down to." Naomi asked

" so when I told Tom he said he wasn't ready to become a father and we broke up" I say with tears coming down my eyes.

They all get up to give me a long tight group hug and I couldn't have been happier. I have my best friends who support me no matter what along with my smiley that's all I need. After lunch we decided to head back to my place. When I told them I was moving they wanted to buy me everything so I just one day they went out and bought all my furniture and anything I needed. I told them it wasn't necessary but they insisted. My stuff from New York arrives on Tuesday, I decided to keep my apartment in New York and not sell it just in case I want to go visit.

After catching up, decorating , and putting everything together it was already 2 in the morning. The girls decided to stay over so they were already passed out and I decided it was time for me to go to sleep to.

I know this chapter is rushed but I just wanted you guys to get a background on the situation. The next chapter is going to be a big time jump so be prepared.

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