Lila smiled flirtatiously at Adrien and cooed, "Hey Adrien. How are you doing?" Adrien put his arm around me and replied awkwardly, "Um, great, thanks." I could tell that he was being extra protective of me now that Lila's here. Overprotective cat. I smiled at the thought. Lila was looking at Adrien's arm around my shoulders. I didn't know anyone could look at anything with such hatred in their eyes.

I patted Adrien's hand and said, "Go get ready for the next shoot. I'll deal with Lila." I whispered that last part in his ear. He nodded and gave me one last glance, before walking away. I turned to Lila and tried to look as professional as possible. But ignoring the bubbling hatred in the pit of my stomach is hard. "You go get ready for the shoot too. We're going to do a couple more outfits for today."

I turned to walk away when Lila grabbed my arm. "I forgot to tell you this earlier, but this modelling gig isn't the only reason I came back. Adrien is mine. You might've gotten him first, but by the end of this week, he'll be all over me." I jerked my hand away from her and replied, "First of all, Adrien is not a thing. He's his own person. No one 'owns' him. Second of all, in case you didn't notice, I'm his wife. You're not going to get Adrien that easily. He loves me and I love him. Simple as that. Third of all, you can try all you like, but I know Adrien will never betray me like that. And if you try anything with Adrien, I swear I'll make you regret it." Lila smirked and pulled me by my shirt collar.

"We'll see Marinette. We'll see."

Emma's POV

"Thanks Chimp." I said to my driver as he stopped in front of the Agreste Mansion. I could feel Tikki pressed up against my pants leg from inside my purse. I walked inside the house, stumbling around a bit. Guess I was still a little shaky from fighting off the akuma.

Hugo and Louis were sitting on the couch, watching television. They turned their heads towards me when they heard the living room door open. Tikki came flying out of my purse and helped me over to the couch, or as much help as she could give with those little hands of hers. Hugo came over and set me down on one of the chairs gently. "Woah sis. You look terrible. What happened to you?" Louis asked, turning off the television and coming over to me. I waved them off and replied, "Nothing really. I almost got akumatized. Don't worry. I managed to fight it off though."

Hugo and Louis' eyes widened and they exclaimed, "You almost got akumatized?!" I nodded sleepily, fighting the urge to yawn. "How are you still walking?!" Hugo asked, eyes wide. I raised my eyebrows at him like seriously? "I'm calling Mom." Hugo said decidedly.

My eyes shot open and I quickly grabbed Hugo's hand. "No! Don't! Mom's at work. She has this important photoshoot going on today. Don't disturb her. Please. I'm fine." Tikki nodded her head and said, "Good idea Hugo. Stay here and watch Emma. I'll go call Marinette." "Are any of you even listening to me? I told you I'm fine!" I protested. But Tikki had already flew out of the room, probably towards the nearest telephone.

I groaned in exasperation and exclaimed, "I'm serious guys! I'm perfectly fine! Mom doesn't need to come over! Let her stay at work! Come on guys!" Hugo shook his head no and crossed his arms. Louis replied, "No Emma. You just got akumatized. Mom's gotta know about this. Now." Tikki came flying back into the room. "All done. Marinette's on her way."

"Really guys. You don't have to do this. I'm fine. Let Mom stay at the photoshoot! She's got more important things to worry about!" I exclaimed, trying to get them to listen to me. Hugo raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm pretty sure you're more important than anything at a photoshoot. How did you get akumatized anyway?" A cloud passed over my head. I didn't want to think about anything to do with Lexi right now. "I don't wanna talk about it." I mumbled before closing my eyes.

Book 1: New RevelationsWhere stories live. Discover now