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I am a very organized person. Our gigs have to be organized, the set list has to be organized, my closet, my contacts, my text messages, my followers on twitter, everything must be organized. I'm am OCD when it comes to that.

So for my next act, Two Notes shall be performing random gigs at random places, which is so unlike Hary.


Look out for us today as we perform random gigs at different places! Places on our web page! Http://www.twonotesmusic.com/randomgigs/111214

The whole day the gigs were filled. Harry and Niall felt like it was a success! That they did something so unorganized, right.

On their last gig, One Direction showed up to watch. Louis stood at the side, watching his Harry perform, thinking to himself 'this is a bunch of bullshi! Harry is OCD when it comes to being organized!'

Harry on the other hand was smiling as big as the Golden Gate Bridge thinking to himself, 'he thinks this unorganized thing is bullshit, while. I think it's success'

Bullshit (Larry Stylinson short story)Where stories live. Discover now