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If there's anyone Harry can possibly hate with a burning passion, it's Nick Grimshaw. You see, as nice as Nick is, he just said some things during an interview that Harry just didn't like or didn't agree with. Of course he never showed that, so Nick thinks there best friends, that just don't talk... at all.

For his second trick, Harry was going to call and ask Grimshaw if he wanted to spend the day together, act all 'Buddy, Buddy' and all.

He quickly ringed up Nick, which Nick answered and agreed excitedly to hang out together for the day.

They met at the park, making videos and taking pictures of and with each other. They went out to eat and played on a couple of playgrounds. "Hazza, I had so much fun today!" Nick said as Harry dropped him off at his flat. "Same here Buddy!" "Maybe we can do this another time?" Harry nodded his head and smiled. They gave each other the bro hug and hand shake, then waved goodbye.

When Harry got to his car, he groaned and smashed his head against the backseat. "I hate that guy 20 times more than I ever had before!" Harry started his car and went back to his flat he shared with Niall.

When he arrived, Niall quickly attacked him. "Look at this interview that was done not even a couple minutes ago!" screamed Niall in his face. He dragged Harry to the couch and rewind the interview he was watching.

I: So you and Harry? Are you guys a thing or what?

L: (shaking his head slowly) just good friends (uptight smile)

I: So you do know he spent a whole day with Nick Grimshaw. Have they always been close?

L: Close? Harry hates the lad! Said a bunch of shit that bothered him and swore he'd never like the lad! It's a bunch of bullshit that he was hanging out with him! Probably just some rumors!

The interviewer showed picture of Nick and Harry together today, as well as the vines and videos. Louis' jaw was probably on the floor again, but Harry was feeling successful.

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