"It's a Reasonably Bearable Existence..." Part III...

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"It's a Reasonably Bearable Existence..."

Summary: The Powers That Be have had it with Sheldon...And have decided he needs a little Xmas...

Disclaimer: It's all Chuck's...But nothing for Joss Whedon on this one.

(Just a note...To learn more about Amy's rather bipolar, beautiful, and somewhat tragic sister and her Sheldon Cooper obsession, you'll want to read "Gran Mag")

Part III...

The apartment across from Sheldon and Leonard's, where Leonard was now reporting to his beloved, if unwilling to commit, girlfriend and their friends on his failure to lure Sheldon to Christmas dinner and poor Amy's humiliation...

("Oh, my Lord!...It's me!..." Penelope beamed at Penny on sofa...Cringing a bit... "Dear God, what is my great-great-great granddaughter wearing?...Is she a fallen woman?..."

"It's the fashion...I'd thought you'd met folks from the modern era..."

"Not quite this modern...Am I gonna to have dress like that?..."

Kinda would like to see how I'd look with that low blouse...I mean I've shown a little of the girls in my day...But I'll have to draw the line at not wearing anything below the tops of my thighs...

Or perhaps she's not finished dressing and in the modern era no one minds public dressing of men and women?...

Har hmmph...Joseph, expectantly...


"You do want background on Amy and Sheldon's friends don't you?...Or are you just gonna examine the current clothes all day?..."

"Just tryin' to get a handle on the era...Sorry...Please..." she indicated with wave for him to go on...

"Joseph, since I can't see you..." she noted...

"All right then..." weary tone...

"The little one's Howard Wolowitz, an engineer..."

"That's Wolowitz?..." she stared...

"Heard of him?..."

"In hushed tones, followed by howls of laughter, yeah...But I thought he'd be much more deformed, hunchbacked perhaps, by the way the girls discuss him..."

"And the little blonde one next to him is his salvation, Bernadette..."

"Oh, right the ex-saint who reincarnated to save the little fellow from himself..."

"That's the one..." bored tone...

"Does that happen very often?...She was supposed to be his guardian angel...I didn't know falling in love with your charge was allowed?..."

"More often than you might think...Though it's frowned upon..." shrug... "Special circumstances...The kid needed help, she's a famed saint with mucho bonus points who'd passed on love for duty before..."

Glad Claire was assigned a man then...She thought...

"Well, true love's always nice..."

"Yep...That's your descendant as you know...Likewise in the serving profession, would be actor..."

"I prefer the hospitality industry...Uh, but never too hospitable..."

"Uh-huh...That's Rajesh Koothrapali, astrophysicist from India... " pause... "You want to know what an astrophysicist is or you ok on that?..."

"Something with stars and planets I imagine?..."

"Close enough...And Leonard, you've met...A physicist who does experiments..."

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