35. Singapore Part 2.

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"Are you....." Emma began. "Oh my god, you are aren't you?"
"No, she's not." Seb answered before I could while snatching the bottle from my hand. He didn't look at all amused. "She's been sick practically all weekend, I just don't think it's a good idea to be drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, she's barely eaten today."
"Ah, yeah good point. I just assumed that as she was back...."
"Well you assumed wrong." He passed the bottle to one of his pit crew. "Come on, I'm going to shower and get changed." He took my hand and before Emma could say anything else he was leading me away. I could tell by the grip he had on my hand that he wasn't happy with me. He was in full on overprotective expectant-dad mode and I wasn't even showing a bump yet. We stopped briefly for him to pose with fans in the paddock and to speak to people in hospitality but all too quickly we were in the privacy of his changing room. He held the door open for me and closed it softly behind him as I walked in. I took him not slamming the door as a good sign, maybe speaking to race fans and people congratulating him on a good result had calmed him down? He started to remove his race overall, pulling his arms roughly from the sleeves, the dark look he gave me suggested that no, he hadn't calmed down. I felt like a teenager who'd been caught drinking by one of their parents and I readied myself for a tongue lashing. I inwardly rolled my eyes, I was only ever going to have a small sip, the way he was glaring at me anyone would have thought I'd necked down the whole bottle.
"Seb, speak to me." If there's one thing I hate, it's silent treatment. He continued to get undressed, treating me to an angry strip show, I felt my lips twitch, wanting to smile at the sight of his fit as fuck body. He looked even angrier at this and I averted my eyes, looking away, feeling very much like the naughty school girl for being caught looking.
"What the hell were you were thinking?" He snapped, balling up his fire proof clothing in his hands and throwing them onto the chair next to him. "Have you forgotten you're pregnant?" Well, at the least the silent treatment was short lived.
"Of course I haven't." I wanted to add 'sir' at the end of my reply, but thought better of it.
"It wasn't that many hours ago that you were throwing up so much I could barely take a piss!" He sat down to remove his socks and I couldn't help but snigger at his words and at the ridiculous situation we'd found ourselves in earlier. "You find it fucking funny do you? Drinking alcohol while you're pregnant?"
"No of course....."
"You're fucking unbelievable." He muttered as he stood up and then stalked off to his shower room, slamming the door shut behind him. I stood there for a second, that had actually hurt, as if I'd deliberately put our baby in danger! I heard the shower start running, wanting to defend myself I walked straight in to the shower room where he was already standing under the running water. My mouth watered at the sight of him.
"At least let me explain." I stated firmly, folding my arms over my chest.
"What's there to explain? I caught you about to drink champagne straight from the bottle." He shot back with his back turned to me.
"I was only going to have a tiny sip, I'd been trying to avoid it before you got back, I didn't want to make people suspicious, especially Emma. I admit it looked bad but I wasn't going to drain the bottle, I was only going to have a tiny sip and quite frankly I'm hurt that you think I'd put our baby at risk like that."
"So now you're hurt? You found it funny a moment ago." He washed his hair rather vigorously, he was still angry.
"It was when you said about barely being able to take a piss, I just thought of how daft our situation was and it made me laugh, I wasn't laughing about the drinking. Seb, don't you trust me?"
"This isn't about trust." He replied as he turned around and rinsed his hair under the shower, I licked my lips, he was like one of those models in a fragrance ad as the soapy water ran down his defined torso. I could feel that familiar yearning for him deep down inside me.
"It kind of is, because you obviously thought the worst of me." I walked closer to the walk in shower, only the glass was separating us. "I didn't know what else to do, Emma was moaning that I was the only one who hadn't had any champagne, I was going to have a small sip just to shut her up. I didn't want her to start thinking that you'd got me pregnant, but you've done that yourself now so....." I trailed off as he started to wash his body, watching how his hands glided over his skin....holy fuck.
"My eyes are up here." He pointed to his face, he was fighting not to smile at the fact that I was unashamedly ogling his body. I swallowed, I could feel hot and heavy heat gathering between my legs. Of all the times to feel horny, my body picks when he's pissed off and in no mood to play. I'm blaming the pregnancy hormones, what else could you make you swing from vomiting to feeling tearful to feeling horny? He held out a wet hand to me and I managed to tear my hungry eyes away from his body and up to his face, his expression had changed from anger to.....well.....to something else. I took his offered hand and he linked his fingers with mine. "I'm sorry." He murmured. "I over reacted. I just saw you with that bottle and I flipped."
"It's ok." I sighed, my eyes were flicking from his face to his body. Let's just say that it wasn't just the steam from the shower that was rising when I looked down.
"I've already had one baby snatched away, I don't want to lose another." He squeezed my hand, I knew he was getting at his ex's non existent pregnancy.
"That won't happen, I'd never do anything to harm our bubble." He smiled at my words and before I could do anything else he'd pulled me, fully clothed, under the shower with him. I swear his lips were on mine in less time than it took for an F1 car to change gear i.e, bloody quick. He had me pressed up against the glass screen, literally kissing the air the out of my lungs. His kiss was gentle and deep but the way he was starting to grind against me and yank my skirt up was suggesting that he wanted to be anything but. My hair and my clothes were getting quickly soaked and this seemed to be turning him on even more. He moaned loudly into my mouth as I came to my senses and started to explore his beautiful back, dragging my nails down his wet skin until I reached his behind where I pressed him against me even more. I started to kiss him more urgently as I felt him pulling down my knickers, I'd gone from feeling hungry for him to absolutely starving and he instinctively seemed to know this as he placed a hand at the back of my right thigh to lift my leg up, giving him the access he wanted and he entered me without wasting another second. Wanting to feel his gorgeous naked body against mine I removed my vest and bra, dropping them to the shower floor, and then I held on tightly to him and let him take what he wanted. His lips barely left mine as we both became lost in our spontaneous, lust filled session. He was thrusting into me with the power of a rampant stallion (very apt for a soon-to-be Ferrari driver), although I could tell he was holding back just a fraction, obviously not wanting to hurt me now that I was pregnant but he still gave us both enough pleasure that it wasn't long before we ended up sitting on the shower floor with me curled up in his lap, both of us trying to regain our senses and our breaths. I was rapidly discovering that hormone driven sex while pregnant was a very good perk and now hot, make up sex was too. If only I could get rid of the sickness then I'd be loving every minute and I'd happily be a walking advert for pregnancy.
"Do you still love me?" Seb asked, interrupting my thoughts.
"What kind of a question is that? Of course I do." I lifted my weary head from his shoulder, I was starting to feel stupidly tired now.
"I feel bad for how I acted earlier." He admitted.
"After that amazing performance, you're forgiven but please remember that I'm not stupid. I know I'm pregnant and I know what I'm doing."
"Ok." He kissed my lips a couple of times and then pouted. "I hate it when we argue."
"We didn't argue, you had a go at me." I replied, yawning afterwards.
"Tired?" He asked, raising a wet hand to stroke my cheek and push my wet hair out of my face. I nodded and yawned again. "Let's finish up here and head back to the hotel."
"Sure." I replied, though I was more than happy to stay right we were. "There's just one small problem though."
"What's that?" He asked, starting to rub my tummy affectionately.
"My clothes are absolutely drenched."
"Ah...." He looked to where my wet clothes were on the shower floor close to us. "I'll have to see what I can find for you."
"Good luck trying to find me some dry uniform when they're all packing up out there." I giggled and let my head flop onto his shoulder again until we heard the door to his room open and close. We looked at each other, wondering who it was.
"Sebastian?!" Britta's voice called out and we relaxed, this was good timing, maybe she could get me some dry clothes once I'd got over the embarrassment of her knowing that we'd been shagging in the shower. She tapped on the bathroom door. "Sebastian, you in there?" She called. I prodded him in the ribs making him giggle before he answered her.
"Yeah, I won't be long." He called back.
"You're already late for the podium finishers press conference! We need to go now!" She yelled through the door. Seb rolled his eyes and groaned while giving me a gentle push as a hint to get up. Regretfully I tore myself away from his warm body and got to my feet, leaning on the glass shower screen for a moment as my legs felt a bit wobbly from our sexual antics. Once he was up, Seb turned the shower off and stepped out to grab two towels, he passed one to me and wrapped the other around his waist.
"Are you going to open the door like that?" I asked as I peeled my wet skirt down my legs and then dropped it with the other wet clothes.
"She's seen it all before." He scoffed nonchalantly. My chin nearly hit the ground as I wrapped my towel around my body.
"She's seen you naked?!" I squeaked. "Just what kind of working relationship do you two have?!"
"I don't mean she's seen the lot, I just mean this." He grinned as he gestured to his torso with his hands.
"Sebastian, please, we're late!" Britta called out, starting to sound as though she was losing her patience. He opened the bathroom door, not caring that she could see me as well as him. "Oh dear god, we haven't got a chance in hell of getting there in the next few minutes." She said as she looked at the pair of us.
"Can you possibly find Harper some dry clothes? Please?" He asked her, I had no doubt that he'd be giving her his best boyish grin and puppy eyes.
"I'm not even going to ask what's been going on in there." She groaned. "Get dressed, we need to get to the press conference!"
"But Harper needs dry clothes." He pressed.
"I'll go and ask Emma to find some, you get dressed and meet me outside ASAP!" She turned on her heel and marched off, I heard the door shut behind her.
"Who's a naughty boy then!" I grinned. "You're in Britta's bad books now, actually make that Britta's, Daniel's, Lewis' and a whole load of journo's and tv people!"
"It's nothing I can't handle and at least I have dry clothes to put on, I should make you go back out there wearing just that towel." He shot back.
"Go for it." I raised a brow. "In fact I'll go out there right now, shall I? I'm sure your crew and all the media will love it." I walked past him, leaving the small bathroom and entering his cool down room.
"Whoa!" He shot out in front of me. "This beautiful body....." He plucked the towel from around my body and let it fall to the floor, his eyes raked over me hungrily as if we hadn't been at it like animals earlier. ".....is for my pleasure only." He stepped closer and quickly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me flush against him. Without warning the door opened.
"Sebastian! For fucks sake put her down!" Emma cried out as she shut the door. "Britta's doing her nut out there!" She said earnestly. I stood stock still, more than aware that my naked arse was on display. Seb gave me a cocky grin, a mischievous, almost evil glint in his eyes as he stepped back away from me while making no attempt whatsoever to pick up my towel so that I could attempt to spare myself from further mortification. Well Vettel, two can play at that game. It was the quickest I'd moved in a long time as I lunged forward and yanked his towel off from around his waist. He was equally as quick to cup to his man-bits with both hands to try and spare his own blushes as he stood frozen to the spot. I could hear Emma trying to contain herself behind me.
"H-here....." She was trying so hard not to laugh. "Dry stuff." She stepped forward and I could feel her pressing some dry clothes against my back. "Nice one." She sniggered behind me as I reached back and took them from her. "Whoo! Hot!" She breathed, fanning her face with her hand, she then wolf whistled before finally leaving the room.
"I hope you're happy Harper." Seb arched a brow at me as he removed his hands from his manhood.
"I think we just levelled the score there." I replied smugly.
"Do you now?" He stalked towards me. "It's lucky for you that we're flying to the UK tonight, I'll have to wait to get my revenge."
"Bring it on." I stepped forward and slid a hand to the back of his neck to pull his head close to mine. "Bring. It. On." I whispered, letting my lips brush against his while reaching down with my other hand to stroke him. He stifled a groan.
"Sebastian!!" Britta banged on the door outside, now she sounded really mad.
"Off you pop!" I trilled, stepping back and admiring his semi-erect state. I'd never seen him dress so quickly and he flew out of the door before I'd even got one leg into the clean dry skirt Emma had bought for me. I was already looking forward to whatever his 'revenge' could be.

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