Chapter 5

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Soooooo this chapter might seem a bit different to older readers. Anyway Enjoy story

Random person "Yami owns yugi not chibi"


Everyone was more than happy to ignore the sound , hoping and praying that it was just there imagination.

Sadly the things we want in life almost never come true..

When the gang had turned around they were hit with a blast of energy that knocked everything and everyone back.

Somehow the group managed to stay alive and aware , so like any smart person. They ran for the exit.

Only to be stopped by a giant overgrown lizard with horns and right behind him was a man mid back hair and red eyes who decided to speak.

"Haha!! I'm definitely going to get a promotion if I bring you two to the boss little sacrifices" Derek said as he looked at the gang feeling very proud of his soon to be achievement.

Oh dont you just love when the enemy is proven wrong?

As he was walk over to them . He jumped back just in time to avoid a stab to his chest but didn't have enough time to move from the attack to his back.

Derek growled "Lucky shot . It'll be your last one too."

Heba just did his "yeah right bitch" laugh as his brother humored the villan. "Sure you will"

Dewayne commanded the lizard to attack the twins with his power but they dodged just in time leaving the ground cracked in there place.

The lizard growls at them as dewayne shouts. "You Cant beat me!!!"

"Yes we can you overgrown dog!!" Heba yelled back.

Yugi materializes two swords out of mid air the throws at the lizard and Derek .

Derek dodged but the lizard stamina was against him as the sword hit him in the chest.

That didn't seem to faze it though as he pulled the sword out and threw it back.

Yugi caught the sword by the blade than flipped it around so he was holding the sword hit again.

Omce Yugi got his sword back. Heba summoned himself a pair of sais then everyone charged at each other .

Heba spins his sais around as he stabs derek with them twice. "Argh!" Derek yelled out in pain but slashed heba with his own sword.

You could try fight was starting to takeiit's on everyone but the lizard and Derek were a little worse for were.

Derek realizing things weren't going the way he wanted grabbed his wounded lizard and flashed away from the scence with a vengeful promise spoken from his lips.

"We shall back protectors with more help on our side"

After he left Heba and Yugi decided to started to heal themselves before turnitin around to face an even bigger problem.

"Yugi..." Heba said with dred. "Yes....?" Yugi replied with the same amount of dred.

"You see the gang staring at us with scares looks too right?" Heba asked as he turned to face his brother.

"Yes..," Yugi answered with a sigh , "So it's only right to assume they saw everything "

"Well it's safe to say we're fucked ." Yugi slapped Heba upside the head for that comment.

"Owww " Heba complained as he nursed his head .

"Well I supposed you're not wrong but I dont think we should erase there memories" Yugi told his brother.

"Maybe" heba said as the group just processed everything.

"WHAT?!?!?" the group yelled. "Runt! What did you just say?" Bakura demanded.

"Oh dear. Um..How to put this?" Yugi thought as shuffled around. Heba just rolled his eyes as he decides to tell them.

"Listen yall would have never met me and Yugi. If some certain people in your group didn't need protection. "

Joy's accent seemed to be at a all time high right now . " Hold up! Hold up! You're telling me you two are supposed to be some kind of guardian or voodoo nonsense?!?! " You can see Joey breathing a little hard as he was little tired from his rant.

Heba and Yugi laughed as Joey blushed at his out burst. "You done buddy?" Yugi asked . "Yeah..."Joey said.

"Anyway Its usually protocol to erase memories of humans that saw something they shouldn't have." Heba said , "but considering the circumstances I'm sure Yugi can convince the boss to ignore yall just this once."

"Now we'll explain everything else in the safety of Seto's home ". Yugi said as he ushered everyone out .

"Why should I let you dweebs in my house?" Seto said haughtily. "Well for one none of us will have to go to a mental house. If people hear us and think us crazy."

"Second I just wanna see your house so there. Now let's go seto" Yugi said

"Wait! What about this place..." Tea said as she turned around and saw everything looked the same.

Like a fight between four people didn't just break out.

"How did yall even do that?!?!" Tea yelled surprised.

"Well perks of being supernatural beings now Chop chop" heba said as he clapped his hands and Yugi ushered everyone away.

Welp I'm proud of myself. Before I forget I did not do the fight scence my friend from school did. I just edited it a little bit. Hope to see yall next time

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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