vi. the morning after

Start from the beginning

"oh don't worry about that, we'd find a way." parker chimed in.

"can't you just-" ady started, trying to continue to reason with the two girls, but stopped mid-sentence because of a new message from colby. "oh my god. he texted me."

rosa blinked, "okay? what'd he say?"

ady unlocked her phone and opened the conversation, reading the text out loud, "here. i'm in a red car." ady groaned, flopping over herself. "somebody get the bucket."

"you're not gonna fucking vom, ads." rosa stated.

parker got up and picked the floppy girl up. "you're gonna be fine, you dramatic bitch." she gave ady a gentle push in the direction of the door, then spoke again, "now go on your date!"

"it's not a date." ady said as she made her way to the door.

"well then go to your dick appointment,"

she had the door opened as she shouted back, "it's not that either, park!"

ady closed the door behind her and quickly walked down the hall to the staircase. she made her way down the stairs, then stopped at the door to the main foyer because she realized she needed a minute to take a few deep breaths.

it was obvious that ady was nervous, but she couldn't exactly pinpoint the reason as to why. there was obviously the possibility that the night would be terrible or awkward because she did almost have a hook up with colby less than twenty-four hours ago. but then there was also the fact that ady had never really been on a date before, although, this wasn't really a date. ady was going with colby and his friends. plus, neither of them said that it was a date. so it was just two people who almost fucked going to a concert. totally normal.

she took one final deep breath, then pushed the doors open. she immediately saw colby standing on the driver's side of his car with the door open. "hey." he grinned, and ady swore at that moment that his smile was just as warm as sunshine. "i didn't know if you'd find my car if you couldn't see my head," he explained as ady walked over.

ady grinned, "you're probably right." she opened the car door and slid into the passenger seat. "so, what's the plan?"

"well first, we need to pregame."

"obviously." ady replied back. "the show doesn't start until 9:00, right?"

colby nodded, focusing on the road. "yeah. so we'll go to my friend's apartment until like 8:45, i think. he lives just right next door to me."

ady was worried that she was going to be awkward, but she was pretty good at keeping up a conversation for the duration of the ride back to colby's apartment complex. she actually felt completely calm with colby, at least until they were walking down the hallway to colby's friend's apartment.

colby must've picked up on ady's tense energy because he stopped just outside the door. "my friends are actually pretty cool." colby started off, and ady rolled her eyes because, of course he would think they're cool. they are his friends, after all. "plus you already met some of them last night."

ady laughed, "i don't really remember much," she admitted.

"trust me, it'll be fun."

"okay," she said hesitantly.

colby gave her a smile, which instantly helped to calm ady's nerves. "well you get along with me, right?" he asked and ady nodded. "if you like me, you'll like my friends. we're pretty similar in that way. but even if you don't get along with them, you've still got me."

and although ady was still nervous, she didn't feel nearly as tense after colby gave her a little pep talk. he walked in the apartment without even knocking, and to ady's surprise, reached down and gripped her hand in his. the small amount of contact between the two was enough to spark butterflies in the pit of her stomach. she pushed the feeling out of her mind because she knew he was just trying to reassure her nerves.

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