vi. the morning after

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adyfoster_ added to their snapchat story !

adyfoster_ added to their snapchat story !

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"i'm honestly so confused as to how you didn't fuck him last night," rosa repeated for the third time that afternoon.

ady laughed as she scrolled through her instagram feed. the three girls were spending their saturday afternoon lying in parker's room watching friends on netflix and trying their hardest not to throw up the ihop that they had had for breakfast. it was their regular hangover cure, except this time, ady was in the spotlight.

"i wish i had an answer," ady hummed. "i guess i was too drunk? who knows,"

parker sat up so she could face ady, "well y'know, you have a second chance tonight," ady responded by picking up the nearest pillow and throwing it at parker. "i'm just saying, it might be worth it to go to this concert thing tonight,"

ady rolled her eyes at the girl, "i can assure you i would just be an awkward mess. sober me isn't nearly as flirty and fun as tipsy me."

rosa turned down the volume on the tv, suddenly interested in the conversation. "but you're still going to go, right? i mean you already agreed."

"i mean, probably. i still have like four hours to cancel if i want to,"

"if you cancel i swear to you that i will annoy you all night." parker said seriously.

ady laughed as she placed her phone on the little table beside parker's bed. "you do that already, park."

"fuck you," she held up her middle finger as she flung herself back on her bed.

ady rolled her eyes at the girl, "don't worry, i won't cancel." she paused to take a sip from her gatorade bottle. "and who knows, maybe if i'm not a drunk mess i'll fuck him tonight,"

ady spoke so casually about the encounter that rosa couldn't help but giggle. "in your dreams, foster."

ady snorted, "yeah, maybe there too,"

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a few hours had passed and ady was finally done getting ready for the night. considering it had only been about nine hours since ady woke up both looking and feeling hungover, she didn't look or feel that bad.

rosa and parker were sitting in the living room now, watching ady as she paced up and down the short hallway. she didn't think she'd be nervous, but the closer it got to seven o'clock, the more she felt like she should've just canceled.

"y'know, i could just tell him that one of you had an emergency." ady thought out loud as she continued to pace throughout the living room. "that's a good reason to cancel, right?"

"oh hell no!" rosa shouted. "if you use us as an excuse i will sure as shit rat you out,"

ady huffed in annoyance, then took a seat at the dining table. "you don't even have a way to talk to him,"

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