Chibi come on

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Yugo open his eyes he gets up and look around he was in a weird room the walls were white and with red chairs and there was a big black wall , he heard groans as everyone wakes up " where are we " asked amalia as she was looking around " I have no idea " Eva said while she hold her baby close to her " it sounds like we in a room " said otomai he walked to theme great theme "hay guys I found a note " adamai take the note and read it out loud

Welcome brotherhood of the tofu and everyone I am the god of time i send you here to watch the past of your friends yugo and adamai to learn about them more i will bring more people in due time take a seat and we will began .
Adamai finished reading and look at his friends faces there were shocked some confusion " so some god send us here to watch theme " Armand said as he points at yugo and adami , " it's seems so " yugo answered as he take a seat beside Adamai .

As everyone sites down the screen come to life .
The screen shows older chibi and grougal working in their work shop , " so what do you think grougal it's might work this time " chibi said to his brother you see he was working on another invention,
"Wow this technology is amazing chibi must be an inventor " said otomai in awe
" grougaloragran isn't sure that your invention will work brother" answered the dragon he left a golden object and handed it to chibi as they were working a portal opened behind theme and a dirty blond haired eliatrope appears,
" wait is that yugo " asked flopin looking at yugo in screen
"Ya it's yugo he look different look it the blue marks on his body "
Yugo only stared at the screen unsure what to say
Yugo came behind chibi to see what he was doing " what are you doing " yugo asked chibi who didn't notice him and screamed he fall down he look it yugo he was wearing a dark blue hat and royal blue shirt and pants a leather brown boots and a belt ,yugo laugh and help him up " how did you get here " chibi asked him " with a portal " answered yugo like it's the obvious thing in the world "ok what do you want yugo " chibi asked as he continued his work " well i was wondering if you want to play " yugo answered excited while chibi shook his head " no yugo am working can't get out now " chibi activates his invention " yas it's work finally " chibi said throwing his hands in the air the happiness didn't last because it's begun to shake hard until it's exploded,
The hall burst on laughing the younger chibi blushed " did you see his face " dally said laughing hard
" poor chibi he must have been working hard on it " said adamai weeping his tears away
Chibi was coughing on the floor and sighed head down yugo come closer " so do want to play now " he asked chibi sighed  again and nodded " lead the way " answered a bit of disappointment in his voice , yugo cheers and holds chibi's hand leading him out . Grougal was watching all the time shook his head with amusement " will a gonna be cleaning" the screen went dark .
Laughter echo through the hall Elely was rolling in the floor "it's seems that yugo is still a child " Eva said rocking her baby amalia was wondering if yugo in relationship in his past life he looked hot at this thought she turned red .
" hay guys it's glowing again " yugo getting everyone's attention.

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