Chapter 1

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Betty's POV

I was upon an old wooden chair, my arms crossed over my chest and my foot impatiently tapping on the brown floor.
'This isn't good Betty,' Sheriff Keller said shaking his head, 'you've been here twice in the past month.'
'I know. I can count' I replied rolling my eyes.
'Remind me, why did you think it was a good idea to attack someone?' He asked as he held his hands together and crouched forward.
'Well, I was walking to Pops and I was ordering these new boots that just got released when this dude comes and snatched my phone. So I thought the only reasonable thing to do is to punch him, it then led to me beating him up' I shrugged and he nodded.
'Well if you will excuse me I'm going to ring my lawyer to get me out this hell hole is that okay?' I asked, 'Yes go ahead.' He replied.

I stood up from my seat and began walking up to an old pay phone that was on the drained wall. I was just about to punch in the number when someone shoved me out the way and began to ring someone. 'Hey you asshole, I was using that!' I said and his head snapped to the side, his eyes were burning through me, 'What did you just call me' he growled. 'you heard me. I called you an asshole, are you deaf or something.' I sassed putting my hands on my hips. I ended his call and strutted to the pay phone on the other side of the room. He stormed past me but before he was out of sight he said, 'fucking bitch.'

I pressed in my lawyer, my bestie, my non blood sister 's number. I listened to the endless ringing sound that everyone hated, until she finally answered. 'Veronica...I need help, can you pick me up from the police station please' I said leaning against the wall.
'Of course Betty I'm always here to help but you really do need to start finding boundaries of what your doing I can't keep doing this you know that right.' She replied,
'yes I just need one more chance I promise and I've got a job coming that Toni found me' I responded. 'Alright, well I will come down now' she said ending the line.
I put the phone back and walked back to sheriff Keller, he said that even though Veronica is coming I have to pay a fine of $6000 by 3 months, also I have to wait in one of the small jail cells for V.

I was sitting on the bench with my head against the wall behind me when I heard a husky voice. 'I see blondie here is a baddy, what you done baby girl' I looked at him realising it's the same boy from earlier, i cringed at the nickname. 'Not that it's any of your business but I attacked a man for pissing me of and I'm not called baby girl It's Betty.' 'Jughead Jones the third' He said leaning on the bars from the outside. 'The third,' I laughed causing him to roll his eyes, 'I don't think I've hear anything worse' I chucked. 'That's not my real name, my real name is a lot more embarrassing' he said, 'What is it?' I asked, he parted his lips to reply but stopped when our attention was drawn to the door clicking open, Veronica walked in and started to speak to sheriff Keller. I walked towards the cell door waiting. 'Well that's your ride, see you around princess' Jughead said with a smirk knowing I noticed the pet name as he walking away. 'Or not asshat' I yelled so he could hear. He turnt around towards me walking backwards and done a little salute and left. 'Betty oh my god I'm sorry I'm a little late' Ronnie said. 'No it's fine I deserve it' I laughed.

A police officer let me out the cell and discharged me, we walked to the car and Veronica said 'you know how much you need to pay right. I can help if you need it.'
'No Veronica. It's my fault, I can't keep doing this to you, it's my mistake and I've got to deal with it.' I said with a little smile.

We got in the car and she started to head to my apartment 'so B, changing conversation who was that baddie you were speaking to' she said with a smirk.
'This asshole that pushed in front of me to use the phones and then he was just irritating me when I was in the cell' I said. It went silent. Not awkward silence. Nice silence.

Arriving at apartment block

'Thanks again V, I would invite you up but I have a shift in 30 minutes' I said getting out of the car. 'No problem Betty, see you around and let's meet up soon, you know go to a party, a bar, pops like when we were younger and would run around with our fake id's, the three musketeers we were' Ronnie replied.

I smiled at the memories 'yeh. The three musketeers.' I closed the door and made my way to my apartment.

Furture A/N: so I was rereading some of this and oh my god, I was awful, I mean I'm not saying I'm amazing now at writing but I've definitely Improved.

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