New world

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Multiple voices was heard around you. multiple voices talking to one another about something you couldn't find out. too much out of focus that they all got mixed together. your head hurt, your body aced and a weird pressure in your chest that made it feel like it was threatened to shatter. feeling like one of those porcelain dolls only for being on display. a big bright blending light came in to focus. was this the after life? you felt really lighter than you had ever been.

mind having cleared enough to remember. remember your life, name and the sacrifice you died. was the voices you heard the others who had died for monster kind? the few soul that was still strong enough to power the barrier. trapped her until they were not strong enough only to escape to the real after life. or was there even an afterlife for you. maybe your SOUL would just wither away. not strong enough to get to the real after life.

eyes slowly opening and taking in the surrounding. the bright light became more bearable as your eyes began to focus. you were in a room that looked like a throne room. the bright light seemed like being the barrier you had felt the raft of. your breathing was heavy and your head felt like it was about to split open with the headache. slowly raising yourself up a bit with your arms. one hand slowly going up to lean on your pounding head only to jolt in shock.

...your hand was skeletal...

"She's... she's awake!" a voice suddenly squeaks. it startled you and looking as the owner only made you more unease. forgetting your headache as you backed back and letting out a shocked shriek. hitting something which made you set in place. There people, no monsters, stood in front of you. a huge goat monster with a large velvet cape, golden beard and a crown on his head stood worriedly in the back. in front of him was two other monsters that looked like a doctor or an scientist by their clothing. one was a worried looking fish monster. her candy red hair up in a messy bus that was a beautiful contrast to her blue scales. newt to her was a more angry looking yellow lizard with a pair of big swirly glasses.

"Calm down, were not going to hurt you. no need to worry" the goat monster slowly rose a pair of big fluffy paws. "Ye...yea. there's no need to panic. were...were not her to hurt you." the fish lady said. making you connect the first voice to her. "No promises" came from the other. "Fa..Fang!" scolded the fish lady. "where... where am I! who... who are you!" you demanded scared. flinching if they moved to fast. "Your in the throne room,in the castle, at the capital" Fang said.

swallowing the lump in your throat you forced yourself to relax a bit. "What happened?" your voice was low, asking mostly yourself. "That's exactly what we're trying to find out before you awoke little one" the goat, monster king you guessed, said. walking in front of the other two. "I found you laying here in the throne room when I was going to check on the barriers magic status, and saw you laying in front of it. I quickly called on my royal scientist to see if you were alright." he knelt in front of you and put his paw on your shoulder.

"your physical body seems to... to be fine." Fang mention. looking over a clipboard. "Aqua took some tests were taking back... back to the lab. just to be... be sure." she sipped a bag that was placed by her feet close. "Do you feel alright. do you still have your memories?" the king asked. his tense shoulder relaxed when you told him your memories were fine and you only had a headache. "We just need... need to check on your...your um, SOUL. just to be 100% sure" the fish lady said.

"oh" the king turned around to give you some privacy. Aqua hesitantly walked up to you. crouching down and holding her hand out in front of your chest. "we need... needed to do this when you was awake. and, um. am I allowed to" nodding your head made her only hesitate for a bit before she summoned your SOUL. a strange and a bit uncomfortable feeling raised in your chest. not soon after your SOUL was taken out. A pale white upside down heart floated in front of you, shining weekly. Aquas eyes widen and her mouth fell open. Fang hurriedly scribbling down on the clipboard.

"Oh...oh my" Aqua breathed out. "It's phenomenal to see... to see something like this. we only have one other chase where the human... human survived the barrier and fully turning to a monster." she continued. eyes scanning over your SOUL, making you feel more exposed than ever. your eyes fell down on your skeletal hands laying in your lap. "what do I look like?" You asked, meeting Aquas eyes. "Oh! Just... just wait a moment." She carefully placed your soul back in your body. turning to a bag she had next to her and rummaging through it. mumbling under her breath. after a minute or two she triumphantly took out a handheld mirror and handed it over.

carefully you raised the mirror and looked at what it reflected. nearly dropping the mirror in the progress. you were fully a skeleton. white pale bones with a few small line after some scratches. two orbs a bit bigger in size than your old eyes was placed in your sockets. shining in a paler version of your old eyes. transparent hair that was barely visible in the same color as your eyes waved in a invisible wind. running a hand through it left your now exposed bones tingle a bit. the dress sat more loosely on you now that your muscle and fat had disappeared. literally striping you to the bone. thanking the goods out there that the dress wasn't sleeveless so you didn't have to hold it up by yourself 24/7. was... was even showing your ribs the same as flashing someone?

"We have called out to one you can stay until you are settled. he and his cousins may be the best fitted place for you to stay and get comfortable. I don't think your SOUL have the strength to go back through the barrier to your world. no matter who much you may want to return. but if there's anything you don't feel comfortable with, then your allowed to stay here in the castle." the kings eye held a deep unbeknownst feeling you couldn't quite recognize. a mixture between mild and concerned with something else. nodding your head you tried your best to stand up. feeling like the floor was made of ice and every inch of your body shaking in exhaustion. every inch of your body aching and needed to get used to the new gravity. Aqua hurried to your side to help you stand, Fang holding her arms out to catch you if you fell and Aqua didn't have the strength to hold you up. she must have been really weak then.

They a small party wandered through the castle. it was filled with large beautiful golden flowers that had grown around the throne. it really brought a homey and comfortable feelings to the long corridors. "He will meet us here in the judgment hall" mention the king as he opens a large set of doors. "Hey there Asgore, who is the person you need help housing?" the owner of the voice came into view for you and the small with pinpricks in his eye shrunk as they landed on you. your eyes landed on another skeleton that stood only a few feet in front of you. a white stained t-shirt, black shorts with a white stripe on the side and a pair of with socks he didn't bother to pull up all the way inside of a pair of fuzzy pink slippers.


Thank you guys for all the love this book is getting!

tried my best to get a second chapter out to all of you. I don't know the schedule for this book yet, so updates are a bit of a mess.

So this underground is going to be mixed with alternate versions of not only the skeleton brothers. so here we have original Asgore, Swap Undyne and Fell Alphys. and of course one of out love interest Sans.

HIATUS | Change of soul | AU Sans and Papyrus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now