00: Eurielle and Zilong

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"I now declare Eurielle Athenia..." The former priestess spoke to the crowd, handing the golden flower crown with leave like designs and gems. "As the newly crowned priestess."

"As you have witness I the former priestess will be the witness of legitimising Athenia's position as the priestess in the Kingdom of Lord Poseidon." She handed the golden staff and necklace to Athenia. "No one shall go against the orders of the priestesses especially the King and Queen and its children."

"Hail to the New Priestess!" Everyone yelled before kneeling. Athenia was nervous because she was young but is determined to do her duty.

- 16 years later -

"Lady Athenia, it is time..." The guard said, the priestess head inside the carriage. Everyone throw white and light purple flowers as a goodluck while she waved at them.

And so her journey to the Moniyan Empire, Land of Dawn has started.

- 6 days later -

"It seems like the holy priestess is on her way." Tigreal spoke, causing attention.

"Priestess?" Nana asked. "Who's this holy priestess, sir Tigreal?" She asked curiously, everyone was going to ask the same.

"She's a great priestess, ruling the Kingdom of Poseidon along with the king and queen." Tigreal answered. "Mostly they are born with the soul of the Goddess of the War, Knowledge and Wisdom, Athena."

"So they're not ordinary priestess..." Miya said, tigreal nodded.

"They are priestess and goddess at the same time, in fact for the first time the soul of the goddess has chosen the now current priestess." Tigreal said, continuing. "She who was born with eternal blessing, pristine beauty and infinite purity. She's revered as the goddess of the Moon, Water and Divinity."

"That is Eurielle Athenia, a young child who idolized the former priestess unaware she's going to be the next priestess in the Kingdom of Poseidon." Tigreal continued, Nana was amazed as sparkle could be seen in her eyes. "But in order to keep her purity and holiness she must not fall in love or even being touched by everyone unless she smiles in response it means she approves it, also some people who will get kissed by the priestess in their forehead will be blessed by having a portion of her power transferred to that person."

"Wow I want to be that lucky people!" Nana says cheerfully.

"Lord Tigreal!" A soldier came in. "The holy priestess has arrived! It seems she's waiting for you to assist her!"

"Everyone, remember don't make any actions that shows disrespect and disgraceful in front of the priestess." The others nodded. "Prince Zilong and Lady Freya, I hope you two do the same, because you're part and inside the Moniyan Empire."

"Yes, Sir Tigreal!" The two replied, complying to his order.

After Tigreal got outside he felt relaxed as he saw the priestess who was staring into him. "Holy Priestess..." Tigreal said, kneeling in front of her. "I am Tigreal, I will the one to escort you inside the empire. I hope you enjoy your stay here and we will make sure your service and pilgrimage here will be worthy and kept holy."

"No formalities, General Tigreal." Eurielle spoke while smiling while handing her hand out, Tigreal took it and stand up before shaking it slowly. "I believe we shall go inside, I want to meet your people especially the young warriors."

"But first I want to take a rest from my long journey here, General Tigreal." As she spoke the word general Tigreal was flattered. "If may I ask, do you have any chambers?"

"Yes, we have prepared one for your stay, Lady Athenia." Tigreal said. "It has flower garden and marble cottage, mostly pond with fishes and birds you liked."

As Eurielle was escorted towards the chamber of Pilgrimage she suddenly stopped, staring into Zilong who was talking to the others. "Who is that man? He seems to be...a true warrior."

"He is Zilong, the prince of Changbanpo Kingdom and son of the Great Dragon." Tigreal replied. "He seems to be a real warrior isn't it lady Athenia?"

"Yes indeed he is..." Athenia replied. "May the gods guide him..." She said before continuing to follow Tigreal towards the chamber she is staying at.

- Few moments later -

Eurielle wandered around the chambers, unaware she went into the palace gardens where mostly everyone socialize to each other.

And finally she arrived at the fountain of life, there stands the statue of the goddess of life Euriel with wings presenting two orbs, Life and Death with her hands held out wide.

"Lady Euriel..." Eurielle spoke kneeling before the statue. "I who is the bearer of your great name, may your soul guide me as the priestess of the Kingdom of Poseidon and mostly my pilgrimage here in the Empire. I seek your knowledge and guidance for it."

As she prayed she put a flower into the fountain as what the elder staff instructed her to do.

"Who are you?" A man asked her, she turned around to see Zilong himself, the man felt great power within her. "J-just who are you?"

"I am the holy priestess of the Kingdom of Poseidon, Eurielle Athenia." Eurielle introduced. "You might be....?"

"Zilong of the Changbanpo Kingdom." The prince introduced himself while kneeling in front of her. "I apologize for my rudeness, lady priestess."

"It's fine, warrior." Eurielle said as she took both of his hands. "It is the first time of you to see me, Warrior Zilong."

"Same to you, lady Eurielle." Zilong replied to the priestess. "To think your name is derived from the goddess of Life and Death and the first ever priestess."

"My mother has told me that I was born blessed by her beauty and purity." Eurielle replies. "And with that the elders have chosen me as the only candidate for the priestess of the Kingdom of Poseidon."

"I see...that's amazing for you, isn't it lady eurie---"

"You may call me Eurielle, zilong." Eurielle ordered him. "I am not fond of formalities except in front of the officials since they think that I am being disrespected."

"Oh I guess then, E-eurielle." Zilong says embarrassed that he calls her by her name from now on. "Well I guess we must head back to the palace, a banquet was prepared for your coming Eurielle."

"Well I guess I won't waste such an event like this one, zilong." Eurielle says as she chuckles gently. "Lead the way, Zilong."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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