Part Twenty Nine - Memorys and Mournings

Start from the beginning

"Do you think she'll be okay Steve?"
"Yeah Buck she's like you.. strong.. she'll be okay"

"I really hope she gets to meet Morgan Happy"
"She will Pepper, Morgan will get her sister"

"She's stopped breathing"
"Well do something don't just stand there!"

"I'm sorry Mr Barnes.. but I do not think she will live..."
"How long?"
"2 days.. at most"

Your eyes flickered open as your dream about Tony slowly faded from your memory. You slowly looked to your left to see that you where in a hospital room layered with cards and boxes of chocolate that from what you could tell.. where addressed from your fellow Avengers.

You then turned your head to your right to see Steve and Bucky quietly talking miserably while they sat in rather uncomfortable looking armchairs. "I'll miss her you know" Bucky mumbles his eyes glued to the ground, "I know you will Buck, we all will" Steve adds a glimmer of sadness spread on his face.

"I r-really don't th-think it's necessary t-to miss me" you mumble loud enough so the two could hear. Bucky's face lights up as he hears your voice, practically jumping up from his seat and running to you.

"You're awake!" He yells as he leans in hugging you, "well yeah.. unless I'm dreaming again.." you say as Steve joins Bucky at the side of your bed. "You're not dreaming" Steve says happily as he gives you a warm smile.

Suddenly Dr Strange walks in.. holding his phone seeming to be in the middle of a very important text. "How's she- oh good she's awake" he says trying not to make it blatantly obvious that he was actually quite happy that you hadn't died.

"Mm" you mumble as you look around noticing that you where attached to quite a lot of machines. "How exactly a-am I alive?" You ask Strange as he comes and presses a few buttons on the machines.

"It was a simple plasma cardiovascular blood transition" he says giving you a blunt smile. "English please" you say as Bucky and Steve both nod there head in agreement. "At first we didn't think it would work, but we transferred your blood type from a donor into your body, mixing it with a few proteins before putting it into your body, thankfully it did work and you should be able to leave the hospital in a couple of hours" he says as he unplugs a few machines. "Right" You say as you look over to Bucky and Steve who still looked rightfully confused.

After a couple hours of talking with Bucky and Steve and catching up on everything you missed out on the 3 days you where unconscious, you where finally able to stand up with help from Bucky.

"Well we should both go now, Happy said he'd come pick you up and take you to Tony's house because apparently there's someone Tony really wanted you to meet and tomorrow is Tony's funeral so everyone will be there then, including your precious Peter who's very excited to see you" Bucky smiles as your body fills with excitement from the thought of Peter but that feeling soon disappears after you Remember the funeral. "Well um I'll pack my bags" you say as Bucky and Steve both give you a hug before walking out the door leaving you on your own.

It really only took 5 minutes to pack up your things considering you didn't have much since most of it got destroyed since it lived at the Avengers facility which now consisted of dust and ashes.

You where about to sit down and wait for Happy when you heard a soft nock on your door followed by Happy entering your room. "Hey kid" he says smiling widely at you as he walked over to you and gave you a long meaningful hug.

"Hey Hap" you reply your own grin now layered on your face. "We're all really happy you're okay" he says happily as you give him a smile in response.

"Ready to go?" Happy asks a smile forming on his face "ready as ever" you sigh as Happy picks up your bag and you begin walking down the hospital corridor, "there's something Tony wanted to show you" Happy says proudly as you enter the elevator.

"he's pretty proud of it" Happy says as you look to the ground not wanting your emotions to show, "he's proud of everything" you say letting out a small giggle.

"yeah- yeah he was, especially you, he was real proud of you" happy Says as you feel a small tear fall down your cheek.

You missed him.

The car ride was long as you rode down the highway only lit by the sunset forming in front of you both, it was quite pretty, soothing almost, it was nice, if only Tony was there to enjoy it with you.

"I miss him Hap" you mumble resting your tired head in your hand which was leaning up against the door of the car, "yeah I miss him too" happy sighs sadly as you let your mind drift off with memory's of him. "Want to get a cheeseburger in memory of him?" Happy asks as you can't help letting out a small chuckle, "that sounds great happy" you say noticing how hungry you really where.

Around 1 hour after you had gotten your cheeseburgers you arrived at a beautiful lakeside house that looked like just the place Tony would disappear too.

"Why am I not surprised Tony and Pepper escaped here" you say getting out of the car and taking in the gorgeous scenery, "yeah he wanted to settle down.. find his place" happy Says as he gets your bag out of the trunk and begins walking toward the front door.

Happy nocks softly on the door and only seconds later a tired puffy eyed Pepper opens the door her eyes widening in relief as she notices you.

"Y/n" she mumbles as she pulls you into a hug small sniffles escaping her nose as you realise she was crying. "I'm just so glad you're alright, I don't know what we would do if something went wrong" she says as she seemingly begins to calm down "Please come in" she says as she motions you inside to the warm home.

"Thank you" you mumble knowing if you said much more the tears forming in your eyes would fall.

"Y/n this is Morgan.. Tony and i's daughter" Pepper says happily as the small yet adorable girl peeps out from the corner giving you a wide smile as your mouth drops in shock.

"wait this is y/n... as in my i-idol? The one daddy told me story's about?" She asks Pepper as Pepper eagerly nods her head, the little girl running towards you and hugging you tightly.

"daddy musta really liked you big sister" she mumbles as tears fall down your face in the complete and utter cuteness of Tony's masterpiece.

Morgan and y/nnnnn 🥺😍
Goddamit I miss Tony :((((

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