Part Ten - An Indestructable Team

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(Your POV, Midtown High School)
You felt like heavy weights where resting on your shoulders as you followed Elias Fischer your old hydra mentor down the deserted corridor of Midtown High school. Your breathing was sharp and uneasy as you felt genuine fright creep up your spine.

You hated the man standing only inches in front of you more than ever. He put you through more than words can say and sat and laughed while you where being tortured. He had a dark soul that even the most skilful spy's would never be able to see through...he was unbreakable, unreadable, stealthy and his aim was to make you just like him.

"Y/n, y/n, where are you going?? I'm going to pick you up" you hear Tony's voice say through your earring as you keep your face expressionless not wanted Elias to read you. "Say something y/n" Tony then says his voice almost angry. "Shh" you whisper hoping that Elias wouldn't hear you.

He turns himself around to reveal his evil, scarred face as he stares at you with his horribly terrifying eyes. He seems to study you for a moment before his hand lunges forward ripping out your earring so harshly that it draws blood, "I am not stupid Caroline" he says with his thick German accent as you avoid his deathly eye contact, "I know Stark technology when I see it" he adds as you admire a painting on the wall trying your hardest not to look into Elias's eyes, you quickly look down at your bracelet which you presumed had a tracker in it oh god don't notice the bracelet.

He study's you for a moment longer before grabbing your chin harshly and turning your head so you are forced to look in his eyes. "You betrayed us" he begins to say looking off into the distance, "we gave you a life and you betrayed us" he adds as you clench your fists in rage. "I was kidnapped" you finally say your breath catching on your words.

You watch as his face morphs into rage, a face of disgust, a face of anger. He suddenly grabs you by the neck and throws you onto a nearby wall making your shoulders bleed as they scratch on the brick wall jeez there's a lot of strangling lately. "I taught you better then that!" You yells as his grip on your neck tightens quite literally strangling you, "You could of escaped from the Avengers, I taught you how! But instead you made friends with them!!" He yells again his voice getting angrier and louder.

He suddenly releases his grip around your neck causing you too fall to the ground as you coughed and spluttered trying to catch your forgotten breath. He harshly grabs your wrist as he pulls you along the corridor "I have no sympathy for you Caroline" he says his voice harsh and cold, "I do not care about your needs or wants.. I simply care about using you as Hydras weapon I do not care if you die in the process" he explains as you feel yourself shudder at the sheer fear he puts you through.

You where taught to fear nothing.. to be emotionless.. to kill and forget.. but the fear of Elias Fischer was a fear no one could remove.

Elias threw you in the back of a van you knew all too well.. it was the van Hydra would place there victims in if they wanted to transport them somewhere..they would even place there dead victims in there if they wanted to place there body's elsewhere... but to your surprise Elias got into the back of the van with you, an evil smirk on his face.

"We do not have time to take you back to the hydra base so we are taking you elsewhere to prepare for your mission" he says as his dark pupils dig into yours. You knew better then to speak back to him unless spoken too so you sat in the back of the van in silence, not daring to say a word. "I'm sure you will be glad to know your friend Bucky is involved in this mission" he says as you turn your head in his direction eager to know why Bucky is involved.

"Do you have him?" You question your voice full of anger. "No we do not know of his whereabouts" Elias says a small smirk growing on his face. You clench your fists knowing exactly how they where going to get him "Caroline and the Winter Soldier, an indestructible team" he says his voice full of joy as you grind your teeth against each other using all of your will power not to let your anger get to you.

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