Part Five- Betrayal

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(Bucky Barnes POV, Two years ago, Hydra base)
It was time, I knew it, "I'll be with you till the end of the line" the words where too familiar, I needed to know who he was, who I was.

The only thing was I didn't want to leave y/n, she wouldn't exactly take the news lightly and she's the closest thing I have to family, it would be betrayal. I could just not tell her? No, that would make this whole situation worse, if anything I'll come back for her, get her out of this hell hole.

I walked to the training room and entered to see y/n already training, I walked over too her and we began training together.

After a long moment of silence I decide I need to tell her, I need to tell her I'm leaving, for good, call me stupid, but she needs to know. God I hope she doesn't get too angry, all hell breaks loose when she does.

"Y/n I need to tell you something" I say quietly not wanting anyone else to hear, "okay" she says almost cautiously as I take a breath not really wanting to see her reaction.

"I'm leaving.. for good.. I have to find out who I was.. who he was.." I whisper as she stops fighting me looking me straight in the eyes, giving me the look she gives to people before she quite literally kills them.

"No" she says, I could tell she was trying to contain her anger, even she knew what her anger could do. "Your going to leave me for the world out there?!!" She screams her face practically glowing red, "be quiet, they'll hear us!" I slightly yell, which somehow made her more mad.

"I WILL NOT BE QUIET!!" She yells even louder, "HOW DARE YOU!" She yells again inching herself closer to me her eyes glowing a shimmer of rage. The anger was getting too her, faster than she could control, oh god this was a bad idea.

"YOU KNOW WHAT, IM GOING TO DO IT!!" She yells making me slightly confused, "IM GOING TO DO THE ONE THING I PROMISED NOT TOO DO, ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!!" She yells even louder, I don't even bother responding too her at this point.
She takes another few steps toward me, a simple yet affective thing she does to intimidate people.

I try to think of the one thing she promised not too do, honestly hydra had messed up my brain that much that it physically hurt to attempt to remember things... but it came too me.. I knew what she was going to do.. how dare she.

"Don't" I say my voice cold and bitter. "I'm doing this so you don't leave!" She practically spits out my own anger rising.

"Longing...rusted" She says slowly as I feel my mind physically twitch, "stop" I say again more bitterness in my voice. My trigger words, she was using them against me, the one thing she promised not to do.

"Seventeen..daybreak" She begins to say as I fall too the ground from my efforts to control the ringing in my mind, my mind quite literally loosing all its memories. "STOP!" I yell looking up at her with complete hatred as screams exit my lips. I don't want this.. no no I don't.

"Furnace..nine..benign" She says as my body freezes my mind slowly going blank. "" She continuous as my mind is almost blank, small memories flickering. "Freight car" she finishes giving me a devilish look as my mind goes blank nothing but evil filling it.

"Ready to comply" I reply standing up as she smirks, "kill" she says, "kill the innocent, kill them all" she says her eyes angry and fierce. "This is what you get" she whispers in my ear, as I walk off ready to kill.

"Bucky?" Steve asks as I realised I had drifted off, remembering exactly what had happened. "Buck listen, you don't have to tell us what she did too betray you, but do you trust her?" He asks as I look up to the screen showing her strapped to the metal chair.

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