Summer's end

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Okay, so you know Macki, my lovely best friend. But there is also Toby, our trusty side kick. Just kidding! Toby is the third pea in our strange, diverse little pod. He is the captain of the football AND the basketball team, he is six-foot-five, built - but not too bulky, and he has the cutest little dimples. He is mixed (black and white) and he has the prettiest curly hair. He is smart but not arrogant, well maybe a little, he's also super funny, oh and did I mention he was in to guys... yeah! He has been out since before I have been friends with him, his parents were so accepting. I wish my parents could accept any part of me. I know they love me, but i feel like I am never enough. I know they just want what is best for me. I try my hardest, but I don't know if my best is good enough... whatever, I need to go and get school supplies for my senior year of high school, yaay....

As I arrive to the local Walmart I see Toby, speaking of the devil, and I catch up to him. We agree to go eat at 3 Pho Kings Noodle Cafe afterwards. It's the Pho-King best! We picked out our binders for Lit. and were on our way to the sharpies as Alexa, aka the Queen B and head cheerleader of our school, walks up to us. As you may remember from before, Toby is the Captain of the football team. Me, I don't have that kind of title. I'm one of those people who hang out with the popular crowd, but I don't have the label of actually being popular. I've known this girl since pre-k, but I always get mad anxiety when she walks up to me. But you know, I also get anxiety when literally anyone walks up to me, so, there's that. Alexa invites us to a party later that night and I cooly accepted her offer right before bumping into a little kid who was looking at a batman notebook. She walks away right after smiling at me, reassuring my clumsiness. Toby and I finish up there and go to eat. After that, we decide to get ready for the party at my house. I invite Macki and, before accepting the invitation, she expressed her hatred towards Alexa and all of the other members of the "Pep Squad."  I roll my eyes and laugh but let her rant. I never really understood why she didn't like them, they were actually quite nice. But there are many things I don't understand about Macki, like her obsession with the Twilight Saga or the fact that she finds just about every man over the age of 55 completely sexy. Still, gotta love her.

When Macki gets to my house, she immediately hops to my closet. She picks up a red dress that would be about mid-thigh on her that I wore to some dance. I assert how cute I think she would look in it, but only with my jacket.

"omg.. are you going to let ME wear your jacket?" she questions

"As long as you don't get any food on it" I say laughing, knowing how likely it is to happen.

"I'll try my best" she says as I hand over my black leather jacket, rolling my eyes.

She looks absolutely stunning. And with the look of Toby's face, I think he agrees. I pick out a blue, off-the-shoulder top with ripped, black jeans and some booties. Toby wears what he had on, typical guy move. We finish up so I grab my purse and tell my mom i'll be out with my friends, then we head to Alexa's house. We get there and im immediately amazed at how beautiful her house is, the same as when we were younger but with and added Volvo under car port. We walk in and Toby greets all of his football buddies. Seeing how much fun he is having, Macki and I leave him with the boys and decide to go adventuring, as in, seeing who's all drunk and how dumb they're acting. We walk into the living room area and watch many of the baseball boys act up. I love boys, they amuse me with their confidence and stupidity. Macki and I both laugh at the same time when RJ, the team's back-catcher, falls OFF the table and onto the couch after attempting to show us his e-boy tik tok moves.

For the rest of the night I made Macki (and a bunch of other random people) drinks and watched drunk people act stupid. Honesty it was very hilarious (considering i'm probably one of the only ones that will remember tonight). After I see drunk Toby start walking towards his ex, I decide it's time to leave and I drive him and Macki to my house where we stay the night. I set out bottles of water for them, Gosh, i'm such a good friend. I take of Toby's top so he doesn't sweat through his favorite shirt. I help Macki but she's not as wasted as Toby and can pretty much handle undressing on her own. I give her one of my little brother's shirts (just in case, so she gets sick on his clothes rather than mine). When they lay down they quickly fall asleep.

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