Saved By a Nobody

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I have not finished the anime cause I'm watching it in English on toonami.

"That Soma. I hate that personality." I stormed off as I stepped out for some fresh air. This was better. I loved the gentle breeze of the night.
"Help...please." I heard a low voice from the alley.
I walked over and peeked, as I seen someone on the ground in a red puddle, trying to get off the ground. I ran to him to try and help, but as I passed the dumpster, a sharp pain hit my shin as I fell over. There was another person with a pipe, which explains my aching leg. I crawl to the wall as I turn to look at them. I didn't recognize the man. The injured man then stood up like nothing happened. He was holding a blood packet. He fooled my nose. They knew how to lure me in. I tried limping off but two others cut blocked my path. I don't recognize any of them. I limped back into the alley to a door. I tried to open it but it was locked. I was cornered by four strangers. One reached for me as I ducked and punch him in the balls. He bent over in pain before he backhanded me. My face stung but I couldn't just do nothing. As I went to make another move, my leg stopped me before another grabbed my blazer and threw me down, ripped it and some of the buttons on my shirt.
"Isn't that a sight boys." Said the man who threw me. I covered my chest.
"Aw. Don't be shy, God Tongue." The first man grabbed my hands as I struggled to push him, he pinned me.
"Don't worry, Erina. We'll take extra special care of...gah?!" As I though I was about to be a cake for those freaks to enjoy, a fist hit the one that was on me. The body of the figure landed on his feet over me before he kicked the man back.
"Can you stand?" He said, with a calm but serious tone.
"Y-yes. I can." I went to get up, having to use his arm to pull myself up.
"His muscles are so tense yet not huge and bulky. It doesn't even seem like he's flexed them yet." I whisper to myself. "With that hoodie he has on, he looks thin and weak. It's still 4 on 1, and one has a metal pipe. This idiot should have saved himself or gone for help."
"I need you to back up Miss." He said as the 4 was getting ready to fight him. I wanted to scold him like an idiot needs but right now, he's the only thing protecting me from those 4 assaulters. I nodded and limped to the back alley wall.
"My life is in the hands of a nobody. Great."

Two of the males charged at him, one grabbing a glass bottle from the dump and the other with nothing. As he swung with the bottle, this nobody just smacks his hand, causing him to miss before he was punched in the face. The unarmed one went in for a punch but the nobody caught his hand.
"Really?" He said as the unarmed man looked scared. It took that one action to stop him in his tracks. He let go and hooked him into the dumpster.
"What the hell?!" The one with the pipe sounded a bit scared. The one with the bottle got back up and growled in anger of his busted nose.
"Last chance, leave. Now."
I'd be lying if I said he did scare me a little bit. He's using both action and intimidation to psych them out. But still, he has three more to take out.
"Does he really think he can win? Can he?"
All three charged him this time. One went in and attempted to tackled him, but he seemed to have used his own force to hold him back. But the same pipe that hurt my leg collided with his skull. My heart skipped as his head swung to the side and the first man tackled him to the ground. He proceeded in trying to beat him. He had his arms up but I could see the blood sliding down from the side of his head. I was scared even more now. The one with the pipe turned towards me and took a step towards me but stopped. I looked down and seen the the nobody had the man on top of him by the throat and his other hand on his ankle.
"You don't know when to quit huh?" He swung the pipe like a golf club. The nobody moved his head, enough so that it missed him, but hit the man's partner.
"Oh sh**?! You little!" He went for a downward swing but the nobody kicked the unconscious man into him, making him fall backwards. He stood up shaking his head before a glass bottle broke over him. He stood there with his head down, almost like he was paused in place. He slowly turned his head as the man looked terrified before he was punched harder than the rest. It was almost like he fell down. No doubt he was out. But that pipe man came back but had the pipe turned to a sharp end as he slashed his back. He fell to his knees in pain.
"Make sure everyone else is out before you let your guard down."
"Who said my guard was down?"
The pipe man swung but turned, took the hit with his left arm and with his right, he got a clean hit with a haymaker, knocking back, hiring his head on the ground, finally knocking him out.
"He... He really beat them." I said, amazed by his victory. He walked over and looked at me.
"Are you ok now Miss?"
"E-Erina. And yes." I took a step but my leg felt like it was hit with a bat...or well pipe I guess. I began to fall but was caught by this stranger.
"Here." He slow and gently lifted me up. "I'll carry you." I could tell his left arm was in pain, I could feel it was swollen against my calves. But before I could abject, he was opening the door that was locked earlier. He must have used it to get here.
"What room are you in?"

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