Baby Baby (PM- dad!Edwin)*

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Having your own family was the best thing you could have ever asked for. Not only did you have a loving husband but you also have two beautiful little girls who were the definition of joy. It wasn't always easy being married and having kids with a musician but he always made it worth it. With the small moments of waking up to breakfast in bed with your babies, the simple FaceTime calls because they missed their dad, being flown across the world just because he missed his family, and everything in-between.

It was hard for him to be away and you knew that. Leaving seemed to get harder and harder for him as the years went by and your family expanded from the two of you to the four of you once your daughters were born. That's why he made the most of every moment he had with his girls. You often caught him up late at night just laying in bed with his daughters in his arms cuddled up together and laying on his chest. The girls would have been asleep for hours at this point and his body would be numb from staying in the same position for so long but he didn't care as long as his daughters were comfortable and he could be there with them.

Edwin had just come home from being away on tour and this time he was home for just a little over a month. You had left him to keep your daughters occupied as you baked the cookies your oldest daughter so desperately wanted. You had promised to make them once Edwin came back because you know he loves them just as much as your daughter does so it was only fair.

Screams of joy could be heard around the house as Edwin ran around after his two daughters while posting on his Instagram story. You watched as he filmed your older daughter Olivia play around with her younger sister Charlotte. They were running around and rolling on the floor with their father who was having the time of his life with his babies.

"Baby! Bebe! Baby, baby, baby!" you heard Edwin say as he picked up your youngest daughter and started to film her.

You watched with a smile as Olivia walked over to take Charlotte from her father's arms with Edwin filming once again. He was being his usual goofy self and repeatedly saying 'baby' as he filmed the two of your daughters interacting with one another. It was little moments like this that made you fall in love with him in the first place.

The two of you met when you were picking up your younger siblings from the same school and bumped into each other. He was too busy joking with his siblings to see you and before you knew it, the two of you were in a pile of snow while your siblings laughed at the mishap. From that moment on, your families became really close and eventually things grew from a friendship to a full blown romantic relationship. It was something that fell together naturally and seemed easy for you two. Of course there were fights and struggles in your relationship like any other but none of it stood a chance against all the amazing moments you shared.

Nothing made you smile as much as you did when Edwin was home and your little family was together again. Raising kids with someone who was constantly touring made life hard but it was worth it when you got to see the joy on your daughters faces as he walked through the door. It made you feel warm inside as everyone laughed together with the soft sound of unreleased Prettymuch music flowing through the house. This was your life now and it honestly couldn't be any better.

As you turned back around to continue baking the cookies you had promised your daughter, you feel arms wrap around your waist.

"Hi baby." Edwin said with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Hey babe. I know you love calling us your baby's but how many times do you think you said that while filming our girls?" you asked with a teasing smile.

"Hmm...probably not enough." he joked.

"I doubt that. But come help me with the cookies. I need your help decorating them with the icing and sprinkles. Should we do rainbow or the little stars?"

You began icing some cookies as he thought through his options and what his girls would like best before grabbing both containers and sprinkling them both all over the cookies, the counter and the floor.

"Whoops." Edwin mumbled to himself before grabbing the broom and sweeping up the mess of sprinkles he created. After he finished sweeping, he decorated the rest of the cookies and brought them out to your daughter before walking back into the kitchen and throwing you over his shoulder. He walked the two of you over to the couch and sat you down before giving you a sweet kiss and picking up your youngest daughter from the floor. The four of you spent the rest of the day relaxing at home and enjoying your time together.


A/N: the video of Edwin at home for thanksgiving playing with his cousins & saying "baby" like a thousand times kind of gave me some inspiration for some dad!Edwin fluff so this is what I came up with! Also thank you so much for over 7k reads! 💛

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