Chapter 18- Welcome Home, Fudge!

Start from the beginning

The human girl drifted off not long after Luigi left with a huge smile on her face. By that time tomorrow, she'd be sleeping in her own bed. Plus, not only would she get to spend as much time as she wanted with her family, but she got to spend the whole night with Doc. During her hospital stay, pretty much every time she fell asleep, there he was. She could see his smile, hear him chuckling. He would look at her the same way he did whenever she came over to the clinic in tears with a new injury. It was a look where he appeared to be annoyed, amused and sympathetic all at once by hiding a small smile.

"What have you done, kiddo?" Fudge could still hear his voice as clear as anything. Like his face looked, his voice sounded a combination of annoyed, amused and sympathetic.

"I... got hurt while I was out on the track with Lightning", she informed him quietly. "I don't remember what happened. I got told that I fell off his roof."

Doc shook his hood with a quiet chuckle. "I worry about you sometimes, Fudge."

"I'm getting better, though!" she insisted. "I'm going home in the morning!"

"Yeah, I know." Doc nodded. "I'm very happy to hear that." He gave her hair a playful ruffle. "You're way too young to be joinin' me here."

"I know", Fudge agreed with a sad smile. "I miss you, though. We all do."

"I miss you all too. Well, I see you all every day, but I can't be with you. Just know I'm there with you every day."

"I do know that", Fudge assured him. "We see you every day too."

Doc smiled, knowing what Fudge meant. Then he looked around. "Mornin's comin'", he reported. "I should go."

"I'll see you soon, though, right?" Fudge asked.

"Of course. You nap so much, I'll probably see you in a couple of hours!" Doc chuckled. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I love you so much, Fudge", Doc repeated, suddenly slipping into an Italian accent. "Fudge... Fudge... Fudge..."


The girl opened her eyes slowly to find Luigi and Guido parked by her bedside, shaking her gently and whispering her name soothingly over and over again.

A slow smile spread across Fudge's face at the sight of them. "Hey..."

"It is time to go home now, angel", Luigi announced.

"Yes!" Fudge cheered.

"Okay. We need to be as quick as we can because Mack is outside waiting for us. Let's get you in the bathroom and then we will get you dressed, okay?"

"Okay", Fudge agreed.

As a nurse named Aubrey wheeled Fudge down the hall in a wheelchair she was taking home with her, many doctors, nurses, patients and their families called out cheerful farewells to the girl. Although she'd spent most of the time in her private room, Fudge had gotten to know several other patients a little bit, who all seemed sad to see her go. Fudge would miss them, but she wasn't sorry to be leaving, not even a little bit.

"Ah! Fresh air!" Fudge exclaimed with a huge sigh of relief as soon as she was out the door. Warm sunlight and a gentle breeze washed over; it felt amazing, especially after being cooped up indoors for four months.

Luigi, Guido and Aubrey all laughed.

"I haven't missed the sun this much since we went to England!" Fudge continued, making the other three laugh even more.

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