Dawn Of His Odyssey

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On his way, he met a Gorgon named Echidna... A lady with snakelike features— scaly, moss colored skin, piercing serpent eyes,long nails, and fangs dripping with poisonous drool protruding from her mouth like an overbite.

Unlike the others, She had showed signs of  being kind and still has her humanity or it just seemed like that. She said that she is a mother and it pains her to see creatures like him pereginate in the outside world defenseless and weak or that's what she's trying to pull out.
Just like an insect, he was lured inside the cave of a Gorgon.

"You looked troubled my dear"said Echidna approaching him. Ever so careful and with a look of a soft expression.

Volk looked at her with malice and hesitation before. He's cautious towards the Gorgon for he has no knowledge of what's under her sleeve.

"Come young wanderer-- ease up a little, have a drink and rest for a while", said Echidna with a soft growl under her voice.

"Thank you for your kindness. But how should I trust you?" Volk asked with malice.

Echidna lowered her head and started crying softly. Acting like she's helpless and in despair or agony.

"I-I understand... You could kill me right now... I'm already damned with this curse. I want to be with my real children way up in the other side.”

Volk seemed to be convinced so he accepted the offer. He didn't want to further upset her. He's somewhat moved. He felt that this creature in front of him was just damned and is just another victim of the gods and fate itself

“I'm sorry... I know that you won't trust a monster. But you know... You know, you resembled one of my children before I when was human.. I remember such traits of him that it made me want to turn back time just to see him again. You remind me of him. And I miss him so much. How I want to touch him and say a million times how much I love him."said Echidna sobbed with teary eyes. Little did Volk knew. He had stepped inside an innocent and deadly trap.

Echidna made the cold night be warm for her visitor. ' Sheep,sheep... close those eyes and go to sleep. Oh, how oblivious... He must be tasty.' Echidna smiled to herself as she was looking intently at her unsuspecting prey.

Volk suddenly felt dizzy and that's when he realized the food and the water was drugged. Before he could react, his vision blurred and he saw that dark devilish grin on her while he's falling onto the ground with a limp and paralyzed body.

Echidna licked her lips and crept towards his immobilized but conscious victim with a mad predatory look on her face.

“Oh, how stupid! Do you really believed every nonsense that I just said?!” She bursted into a fit of laughter. “You seemed to be a nice kid. But that's a shame you're so stupid! Ah such an ignoramus. Just like the many others before you. Let me tell you the truth before I kill you I don't have a human child, I'm not even human. I was born a Gorgon. And you know, those monsters from earlier that you have killed? THOSE ARE MY REAL CHILDREN.”

Echidna picked him up and threw him on the other side of the cave with a loud thud from his body's impact on the wet gravel facade of the cave. She laughed maniacally and traces of bloodlust were seen on her murderous intent. Her eyes glowed amher claws protruded aiming for Volk's body.

But she stopped at her tracks and laughed at herself. “No, not now. I think I want to torture you more.”
She picked him up and laid him on a flat surface. “Let'see... I don't eat clothes, let me take those off." She hummed with a sly grin.
She started to tie his hands and his legs just to be sure that he'll never be able to move.

She sliced his upper garments and licked his bare skin. “Ohh. What should I do with this quality meat! Should I eat you raw? Should I play on you before cutting you into bite size pieces? Oohh or maybe let's taste what's further south? How long has it been since I ate a virgin?"
Echidna continued to drool while slowly undoing his lower garment.

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