Hato Kanbu

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He saw a silhouette of someone--- Its a person and its a woman.

The woman looks native like she's from a tribe. She walks towards David and lay down her pouch and bring out her water and fruits. She helps David to sit up and consume water and fruit.

The Darkness came to block the Sunshine.

The woman make a fire to warm their surroundings. She light the few twigs that she just pick near them.
She treats Davids wound using herbal medicine and wrap it up using a big long leaves and tied it with vines.
She stayed for awhile until David regain his consciousness. When David woke up, he heard the sweet chirping of the birds and the sun shines greet him a good morning. He suddenly felt the fresh scent of the wind from the forest.

His eyes wandered that seems like his finding someone.

He decide to stand up, he dont felt any pain, dizziness or anything weak in his body to move. Miraculously he can walk normally.
He heard the sound of the falls, he walks towards it and he saw the woman who helped her bathing over there while Meditating. He remove his shirt and take a bath too, He felt the coldness and freshness of the water. David walks towards her and he sit beside her and imitates her posture.

The woman suddenly spoke to David.

"Are you feeling well?"-Woman

"ahh... yes thank you."-David

"Then i must go now."-Woman

"Ahh.. Hold on! i don't know where em i? "-ask David while looking around.

"You're inside our Territory called  Hato Kanbu (Middle Village) But now you're in my Sacred River.

"How come this River is sacred to you?"

"Hnn.. One time, i prevent Human to Build a Human Habitat here, A dam or a place where Human who's so eager to use this place for self purposes."-Woman

"Wow, you're just like a warrior."-David

"Indeed and i'm a guardian of this forest."-Woman

David reach out his hand to the woman.

"Um.. I'm David and you are?"-David

The woman doesn't know why David reaching his hand to her.

He left David hanging...

"Umm... sorry, *hand down* you're not particularly familiar with introducing one self. Its a formal thing to do when getting to know each other in our place"-David

The woman put her forehead to Davids forehead.

"This how we build friendship to an acquaintance.. I'm Nael."-said the woman

The woman foresee something bad will happen in the future. Blood-- Fire and new Ruler of the forest will arrive sooner and kill a countless Tribe.

"Oh... what a nice name-- Nael"-said David

"Why are you here human!?"- ask Nael in shock

"I was on my way to a place called Oak Town and I've been in the road for so many days." Said David

"Theres no such place called Oak town Here! Which forest are you from?" Ask Nael

"I'm from a well known city... i don't live in Forest." David

"Are you from Rich Wood." Ask Nael

"The Rich wood is kinda Familiar to me." David

Nael stood up in shock.

"I knew it! You're a bad omen!" Nael

"What do you mean by that?" David

For a second she found that mans face is familiar to her but she just jump out of the river and left David behind.

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