Chapter 11- The Family Visit

Start from the beginning

Luigi pulled out Fudge's iPod and headphones. "Do you want to listen to some music?" He put the headphones on her and checked what song was playing. "It is 'Sh-Boom'", the Fiat reported. "Do you remember this song, Fudgie? You love this song. We all do. It brings back so many wonderful memories. We had the neon lights in Radiator Springs on for the first time and we were all cruising. You were dancing and playing with the bubbles. Do you remember?"

Of course, Fudge didn't answer.

It was the next morning. Another day, another visit to hospital with very little process on their daughter's recovery. They were now in the middle of February, so the accident was six weeks ago. Apart from Luigi and Guido and, of course, doctors and nurses, the only ones who had seen Fudge were Gloria and Uncle and Mama Topolino. They decided not to spend too much time with her, though. They thought her dads deserved as much time alone with her as possible.

here had been very little news in all of that time. When the doctor- one of the best doctors in America (her name was Dr. Wilson)- came in to examine her, things didn't appear to get much better for them.

"It's been six weeks and we've seen very little progress with Brittney's recovery", she reported ruefully, her pale blue eyes softening.

"I know", Luigi whispered, stroking his daughter's hair. "So, what does that mean?"

"I wouldn't count on Brittney making a recovery from this." She sighed. "Perhaps you ought to consider switching off her life support."

"No! She will!" Luigi insisted. "She will recover! She is my daughter! She is going to be fine!"

No matter what the doctors said about Fudge's recovery or how many times they told him not to expect her to recover at all. Luigi had constantly insisted that Fudge was going to be fine. He had faith in his daughter, even if nobody else did.

When Dr. Wilson left, Luigi and Guido stayed in the room in silence, holding their daughter's hands for about ten minutes before Luigi removed the headphones from her ears gently.

"Okay. That is enough music for now", he announced quietly. "Using headphones for too long is bad for my baby's ears."

Luigi looked to Fudge again as if expecting her to make some kind of comment about that. Though, she remained silent. Obviously.

The Fiat sighed and leaned over to kiss her gently. "I love you so much!" he declared in a whisper as he brushed a strand of hair from her face.

With the lack of visible process Fudge had been making, neither of her fathers were expecting anything to happen. But this time, something did. It was only for a second, but her eyes fluttered open. They only saw the blue in her eyes (and the little streak of brown in her right eye) for a fraction of a second before her eyes closed again. It was incredible!

"Fudge!" Luigi gasped, staring at her in disbelief.

"You are not going to believe what has just happened!" Luigi exclaimed, approaching his friends and family, who were parked in the waiting area. Guido was right behind him.

Immediately, he had everyone's attention. They knew Luigi was hysterical, but was it good or bad? They couldn't tell. Yet, they were all ready to hear what it was. Was Fudge finally making progress?

"What?!" they all demanded. "What is it?!"

"I just gave Fudge a kiss and told her I love her!" Luigi babbled. "And she opened her eyes!"

Everyone's eyes widened and this was followed by exclamations.

"Are you serious?!"

"That's great!"

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