Chapter 3- Just a Typical Day...

Start from the beginning

Fudge grinned and nodded. "Okay. For now, I can still race with Lightning by Willy's Butte!"

"Yes you can!" Luigi agreed.

"And we're gonna do that today on a real track!" she reminded her father excitedly. "And we're gonna go to the airport too!"

Luigi laughed. "Yes. I know." He gave her another kiss before announcing, "Now, we should go over to Flo's before everyone wonders where we are. Even Babbo is already there."


So, Fudge, still in her pyjamas, robe and Ugg boots, joined Luigi and the others over at Flo's.

"Buon giorno, everyone!" she greeted them all cheerfully, taking her usual place on the floor, cross-legged, next to Luigi.

"Buon giorno!" several of the others replied, having just greeted Luigi.

"Mornin', Fudge!" everyone else added.

"You're sure in a good mood", Sarge commented, chuckling.

"We're going to the airport today!" she repeated excitedly.

Lightning laughed. "Yeah, we are. We'll be leaving at about twelve o'clock."

"Okay!" the twelve-year-old agreed.

"Really?" Sally asked. "That early?"

"But I thought we was gonna go tractor tippin'!" Mater protested.

"You better not be!" Sheriff jumped in sternly.

"I mean... We was gonna hang out..." Mater corrected himself, but nobody knew who he thought he was kidding.

"We'll do that when we get back, buddy", Lightning assured the tow truck. "We're leaving that early because Francesco's flight is at eight o'clock, it'll take us three hours to get there... and I think we're gonna wanna take a couple of laps on the track there first."

Fudge lit up. "Yeah! Let's do that!"

"All right. I'll pick you up at about quarter to twelve, okay?" Lightning asked.

"Yay!" the human girl cheered.

"That's okay, right?" McQueen asked. "Luigi? Guido?"

"Yes, that is fine", Luigi assured him.

"(Fine)", Guido echoed in his native language.

"Just look after her!" Luigi added.

"I will", Lightning promised.

"But for now", Flo piped up, carrying a tray of food and a tall glass of orange juice for Fudge, "you should try to eat some breakfast, honey. Then do you think you could help me with some dishes? I'll be done with the stove by then." Fudge had had a huge fear of fire for as long as she could remember and didn't even like being around a lit stove.

"Sure!" Fudge agreed. She often helped the residents of Radiator Springs with odd little jobs. She'd do anything from gardening with Red to dishes with Flo to sending messages to the other residents around the town. She enjoyed doing all of those things; not because of the tasks themselves, but because they meant that she got to spend time with each of her family members. They would always talk while they worked.

So, after she'd talked to the other residents and downed her breakfast of orange juice, scrambled eggs on toast, a side of bacon and a chocolate muffin, Fudge raced back home to shower, brush her teeth and get dressed. Up in her room, she pulled on a clean outfit- a dark blue London souvenir fleece jacket that she bought the day before she was knighted in London; yellow T-shirt with the words RADIATOR SPRINGS GATEWAY TO ORNAMENT VALLEY on the front in black letters (which she got from Lizzie's shop as the old Model T always made sure that Fudge always had at least one that fit); camouflage pants; white socks and red running shoes. She was ready for the day!

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