xv - I'm-

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Mike glanced over at Will every few seconds, both boys walking quietly back to Mike's house. He didn't know what to do to help Will, though he knew he needed to, but he couldn't look into Will's thoughts. It was Will. Will had always been defensive and secretive, making Mike a bit suprised that Will had told him so much, but he was still glad. 

Gosh, Will was constantly on his mind. So much so that he'd forgotten to even call Dustin and Lucas, but to be fair, he had bigger things to worry about. He could always get to Dustin and Lucas later anyway. 

  "Oh, hello Will! What a suprise to see you here!" Mrs. Wheeler exclaimed as he and Will walked in from the front door. 

   "Yeah..." Will mumbled awkwardly, giving Mike's mom a weak smile before looking back down at his shoes. 

   "Will stayed over after our DnD campain since it was already pretty late!" Mike cut in, coming up with an excuse. He would have to remind himself not to use that one anytime soon. 

   "Alright. I'm gonna take Holly shopping, so behave yourselves," Mrs. Wheeler smiled, taking her purse from the counter. "I'll see you boys later."

   "Ok, bye mom!" Mike replied before taking Will's hand and dragging him up the stairs to his room, shutting the door behind him. Before Mike could do or say anything though, Will through himself into Mike's arms, holding Mike tight like his life depended on it. Mike could feel his heart beat skyrocket, blood rushing to his face before gingerly wrapping his arms around Will's back. 

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Will whimpered, tears brimming his eyes. 

   "Shh, don't worry, there's nothing to be sorry about," Mike explained softly, rubbing Will's back gently. 

"B-but Mike, they're right!" Will exclaimed, pulling away from Mike then looking up at him. Their eyes meet, and Mike could sense the worry buried inside Will's. "T-Troy, dad, t-they're right!" Will continued to ramble, a stray tear traveling down his cheek. 

   "About what?" Mike asked cautiously, leading Will over to his bed so they could sit down. "what are they right about?" Mike urged, his hand finding it's way over to Will's, holding it gently. 

"Mike. I-I'm gay," Will sniffled, burying his face in his hands. Mike's eyes widened, his stomach flipping. He couldn't help but a grin forming on his lips too.

"Will, It's ok. It's actually super cool," Mike comforted, pulling Will's tense frame closer to him. 

"You d-don't hate me?" Will questioned, watery eyes glancing over to Mike. 

"I could never, ever hate you, Will." Mike explained, arm still wrapped around to shorter boy. "and you know what? I think I am too." Mike finished, making Will smile. A true smile. A smile that made his heart go fuzzy. 

Wow, he was beautiful. Mike didn't know how anyone could think other wise. Yeah, maybe Will wasn't perfect, but Mike new he was the closest damn thing to it. Mike couldn't fathom how he was still standing strong after going though so much shit, but then again, it was Will. Will was the single most strongest being on the planet. 

How did I manage to be friends with such a perfect being?!? Mike thought to himself. He knew he was in a super flustered state right now, but he loved it. 

He loved Will.

I know It's unrealistic, but a friend like Mike is probably the single most needed thing in my life rn

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