"Kaiba's right," Daniel said, nodding. "During our... negotiations-"

"They were offended by 'hello,' by the way," Jack added.

Daniel continued despite his friend's predictable interjection. "-Nirrti, one of the System Lords in attendance, attempted to murder Cronus and frame Teal'c for it."

Dr. Carter looked horrified. "Why?" she gasped. "I thought they were on the same side. In this instance, anyway."

"Hardly," Kaiba scoffed, leaning back against the heavily damaged control panel overlooking the 'Gate Room. "The System Lords are only loyal to themselves. Use their squabbling against them, if you can. Figure out who hates who and who controls what. Treat it like a business deal with your worst competitors while in the midst of a hostile takeover."

...Suddenly Daniel understood how Kaiba managed to be such a ruthless business mogul and it was slightly unnerving.

"Good to know," Dr. Carter said slowly, nodding thoughtfully as she processed the information.

"If you're done here," Kaiba said, crossing his arms and turning his gaze to Jack, "then I'd like to go home now."

Home. Not 'our Earth.' Home. Interesting choice of words. And Jack was looking at him now. Right. That was his cue.

"I'll go take care of that part," Daniel said, waving away Jack's expectant look.

"Take Teal'c with you," Jack said, nodding to the Jaffa.

"That won't be necessary," Kaiba said, straightening and moving to stand behind Daniel.

"Oh," Jack countered with a sarcastic grin, "I insist."

Daniel bit back the urge to roll his eyes at his friend's antics as he moved towards the steps leading down to the adjacent hallway. He grimaced when Teal'c took the lead. He knew it made sense to have Teal'c lead, but it did irk him a bit. Okay, it really just jabbed his ego more than anything else but-

"I'll go too," Dr. Carter said quickly, falling into step behind both Daniel and Kaiba.

Startled, Daniel blinked and turned to see and equally surprised expression on the Tok'ra's face. Kaiba shifted slightly to accommodate Dr. Carter's inclusion in their little party before continuing down the hallway behind Daniel and Teal'c.

The walk to the Quantum Mirror was more of a trek considering the amount of debris and bodies they had to climb over and around. Daniel had a sneaking suspicion most of the Jaffa bodies were Kaiba's doing. He glanced surreptitiously at the Tok'ra who seemed to be wholly unbothered by the carnage around him. Honestly, Daniel had seen a lot of death since the Stargate was first opened, but not in the actual SGC. Even if he had, the archaeologist was certain he would never fully adapt to it.

Sharp blue eyes caught his gaze and held it for several seconds before flickering to Dr. Carter. Oh. Right. Daniel looked over at the astrophysicist and winced. Daniel's Sam could stab a Jaffa in the gut as efficiently as she could shoot one through the head, but this Sam was obviously not cut out for that. Not military.

"How you doing?" Daniel asked softly.

Dr. Carter glanced at him quickly, looking vaguely green in the face before swallowing thickly and nodding. Then her nose wrinkled in disgust. For a moment, Daniel wondered what she could be smelling that was so bad. Then he smelled it and wasn't sure if he wanted to round the next corner.

Yep. He didn't.

"Uh. Wow."

"Indeed," Teal'c murmured, pausing to study the dozen or so Jaffa lying on the ground.

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