"Come on mate, let's get somewhere warm shall we?" He pulled Bren forward and Zee took Frey's legs from Cas. The coven continued into the moonlight.

An hour later they found themselves at Hedgerton's very small General Hospital. The hospital was notoriously understaffed and was kept up and running mostly from generous donations from its patrons. Thankfully, Hedgerton had a decently wealthy population and when this was their only option within a three-hour drive, the population fought hard to keep the hospital open. Upon seeing Freya's prone form in the teens' arms, the weary staff lept into action. Evie excused herself to call her parents and the rest of the group followed the doctors as they rushed Freya, now in a wheeled hospital bed, into a room. The phone call to her parents was awful, there were tears and raised voices, ultimately it ended exactly how Evie had expected it to her parents were on their way. Evie sank to the floor after hanging up the phone. She cried for her sister. She cried for Bren. She cried for herself. And she cried for Eira.

"Evelynn Blair? Evie Blair? Miss Blair?" A hand was shaking her shoulder, a feminine voice called her name. "Miss Blair, your sister is in a room upstairs, we've gotten her settled, you can come and see her if you want. Come on, let's get you up. Don't you want to be there when your sister wakes up?" The voice cajoled. This got Evie's attention. Her sister would not wake up without her. She pushed herself to her feet and was grateful for the supporting arm around her waist as she was led towards the ward. Evie knew immediately when she neared her sister's room. 

Perched on every available surface were the other eleven members of her coven. Flora and Robin were squeezed into an armchair, while Zee and Lilah filled another. Mica hovered anxiously by Avery and Cara, the three were the furthest away from the door; the door was marked by Cas, stood against it, looking despaired. Bren and Seb had claimed a bench opposite the door, Lainey sat on the floor at Seb's feet.

"Can I go in?" Evie asked, her body shaking with nerves. The last time the girls had been in hospital, they had just escaped death. Evie prayed to whoever would listen that the situation this time around wasn't nearly so dire. The lady which Evie assumed was a doctor opened the door to the room and led her inside. Evie made her way to the bed where her twin lay. Hooked up to a dozen or so machines, Freya lay as if she were dead. A steady, slow beeping the only indication that she wasn't.

The doctor took the seat opposite Evie, who had perched herself on the edge of the bed. Outside, a commotion was making its way towards them. Evie recognised the usually dulcet timbre of her mother's voice raised in worry and stress. Her father's shouts, demanding to see his children, booming and echoing down the mostly empty corridors of the hospital. The pair ran right up to the door of the room. Hastily dressed and obviously stressed, Evie's parents rushed the bed in which one of their daughters lay. The other stepped back to give them some space. Once they realised Freya was, once again, unconscious and unresponsive, they turned to face the doctor and their daughter. They spoke simultaneously, urgently.

"What happened?" Her father's voice was marred with fury and confusion. "Will she be okay?" Her mother's tone was full of worry. Evie's guilt only deepened as tears began to stream down Louisa's face. Jackson Blair took one exasperated look at his wife, handed her a handkerchief and turned back to face the doctor.

"Mr and Mrs Blair, Evie, I'm Doctor Alexa Cuddy. I'm a senior neurologist in this trust, I've been assigned your daughter's care. It would seem that your daughter has suffered some blunt trauma to her forehead, as you can see from the cut on her forehead, there's been some bleeding and we do believe there is a possibility of some swelling on the brain. We're waiting on the scans to confirm this though, but we should have the results within the hour. Otherwise, despite some minor blood loss, your daughter is absolutely fine. Her vitals are all reading well and she should be waking up anytime now." Dr Cuddy explained in her gentle, bedside voice. It worked. The three Blairs calmed immediately. Evie's mother and father shared a hug, it was disrupted by a new beeping coming from the doctor's belt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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