*Bay* Planet: Sun Element: Fire Main magickal uses: Clairvoyance, consecration, divination, dreams, exorcism, healing, love, passion, protection, psychic protection, purification, wisdom, wishes Other magickal uses: endings, good luck, harmony, Imbolc, inspiration, justice, knowledge, magic, memory, money, overcome opposition, peace, psychic development, release, spell-breaking, strength, success, tranquility, transformation, Winter rituals, Yule Lore: Bay leaves come from a tree also called the laurel, and have a strong tradition as a Greek sacred plant. When the nymph Daphne wanted to avoid the passions of Apollo, she turned into the first laurel tree, which Apollo then adopted as his sacred tree. Wreaths were made from the leaves, which were also chewed and burned by Apollo's prophetic priestesses at Delphi. It is not suggested, however, that you try chewing bay leaves, as they are rather volatile, and the amount you would get from chewing might be too much for those not trained in the use of visionary herbs. Other gods include Aesclepius (the god of healing and Apollo's son), Ceres, and Cerridwen.

*Caraway* Planet: Mercury Element: Air Main magickal uses: Fidelity, love, memory, passion, preventing theft, protection, retention, sensuality Other magickal uses: consecration, fertility, gain, honesty, keeping secrets, peace of mind, weddings

*Celery seed* Planet: Saturn/Mercury Element: Earth Main magickal uses: Psychic development Other magickal uses: Beauty, divination, fertility, love, passion

*Cinnamon* Planet: Mercury/Sun/Mars/Uranus (take your pick!) Element: Air/Fire Main magickal uses: Clairvoyance, consecration, divination, energy, good luck, love, money, passion, peace, prosperity, protection, psychic development, success Other magickal uses: communication, happiness, harmony, healing, inspiration, knowledge, meditation, purification, spirituality, tranquility, wisdom Lore: Paul Beyerl suggests that cinnamon be paired with tourmaline for best effect. Cinnamon is important as a purification incense in China. Do not use externally on the body, as it irritates the skin.

*Cloves* Planet: Sun/Jupiter Element: Fire Main magickal uses: clairvoyance, divination, exorcism, keeps away negative forces, love, memory, money, passion, peace of mind, protection, psychic protection, purification, stopping gossip Other magickal uses: cleansing, friendship, psychic development, release, spell-breaking Lore: Cloves were originally grown in China, and made their way to Europe in the fourth centure CE (Common Era). They, like cinnamon, are not grown in the United States, but are imported.

*Coriander* (also called Cilantro) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Main magickal uses: love Other magickal uses: clairvoyance, divination, fertility, gain, health, keeping secrets, passion, peace, protection, retention, weddings

*Dill* Planet: Mercury Element: Earth/Fire Main magickal uses: love, protection, psychic protection Other magickal uses: Blessings, confidence, determination, dreams, fertility, gain, harmony, keeping secrets, money, passion, peace, prevents theft, retention, rest, sleep, tranquility Lore: Some hold that Dill is such a Mercurial herb that it should not be used when Mercury is in retrograde. It has a long tradition of use as a protection against magic: an old rhyme says, "Vervaine and dill/ Hinder witches of their will." (Another version says, "Trefoil, vervain, St. John's Wort, dill/ Hinder witches of their will." In either case, this is specifically meant against evil witches: the healers actually used all of these herbs.)

*Fennel* Planet: Mercury Element: Air/Fire Main magickal uses: confidence, courage, fertility, longevity, love, Midsummer, protection, psychic protection, purification, strength Other magickal uses: Commanding, consecration, divination, energy, gain, meditation, Summer rituals, virility Lore: Fennel was used by the Saxons and by Jewish mystics as an asperger and purifying herb. It also had a history of use by the Greeks, Romans, and Germans, and it followed colonists to the New World. Aoumiel associates it with the God.

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