Everything Is Perfect Now

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Sam also nodded, though he had the biggest grin on his face long before he'd even opened the envelope really. "Save the sap for our Christmas breakfast, at least." He threw up a hand, backing away from them to rejoin his sister and nephews.

Marlena and Bucky looked away from one another after a moment and Bucky then took off after Charlie; she was chasing Jay around the room with what they could only assume was the candy cane she'd sharpened to a point after gnawing on it for quite some time.

"I think that went well," Marlena whispered to Steve, leaning into his side as he wrapped his arm around her. He gave her waist a gentle squeeze as he nodded.

"Bucky was very...Bucky about it. I just wish he could see in himself what we see in him," Steve responded, to which Marlena sighed and nodded her head in agreement.

"Maybe one day he will." Marlena hoped it would come true, though she knew the road ahead would still be quite a long one for him.

"You have another gift to give," Steve piped up after a minute of silence. He retrieved a third envelope from his other back pocket, the outside not labeled, and handed it over to Marlena. "I think she'd be much more willing to accept this coming from you and only you."

Marlena chuckled softly. "I think you're right. Wish me luck."

She pecked Steve on the cheek before making her way to the kitchen, where Greyson was decked out in a green and white apron and elbow deep in pancake batter. Miranda was behind him, working on flipping eggs and pancakes in their respective pans. The smells in the room made Marlena's mouth water.

"I thought Wanda was in here," Marlena mused, looking around the kitchen to catch a glimpse of her cousin. Just before she could search for her beyond using just her eyes, Wanda stood up from behind the kitchen island, some reddish powder on the tip of her nose.

"Turns out you're not the only one who should never be allowed in the kitchen, Claire," Greyson smirked as he whisked up another batch of batter.

Wanda rolled her eyes and maneuvered her hands gracefully, her psionics causing the electric mixer to spin faster and spew pancake batter across Greyson's face. His smirk was long gone now, but he simply rubbed his palm across his forehead to collect wet batter, then threatened to smack Wanda's face.

"To be fair—" Wanda squealed as she evaded Greyson's every move. "—Paprika does look a lot like cinnamon!"

Marlena shook her head, laughing as she watched the two of them run around the kitchen island like a couple of kids. Miranda giggled as she stood at the stove, but she glanced over at Marlena and took notice of the envelope in her hand.

"I hope that's a check to help out with the utility bill." Miranda grinned, using a spatula to move a perfectly round pancake from its pan to a plate. "Greyson and Jay left the gaming console on all night."

Greyson turned his batter-covered hand of wrath onto her now, to which she simply ignored and continued working on breakfast. Marlena rolled her eyes at the two of them.

"Wanda, can I talk to you in the den?" She turned and smiled softly as she beckoned Wanda to follow her.

Wanda raised her eyebrows in response before grabbing a dish towel to wipe the spice residue from her face. She followed Marlena into the den, unsure of what exactly was to come.

"This is for you." Marlena held out the envelope. At first Wanda stared at it, but she then hesitantly took it in her hands.

"What's this?"

Marlena shrugged. "Not nearly enough, but just a little something from me and Steve to you. I hope you'll accept it, Wan. You deserve this."

Wanda shook her head the second she opened the envelope and peeked inside. "No. No, this is far too much money, Marlena."

Retribution ★ AvengersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon