hangyul giggled, "you're an alpha too aren't you?"

"of course, but i would never leave my omega alone for four years like that one did" seungyoun playfully rolled his eyes, "not that i have one anyways" seungyoun quickly added.

hangyul's eyes widened the slightest bit. an alpha that was so good looking was— was single?

"o-oh uh i don't have one either" hangyul said, rubbing the back of his nape, "an a-alpha i mean—"

"i'll be yours" hangyul was cut off by seungwoo who decided to cut into their conversation. he had forgotten that seungwoo was in his physics class too.

hangyul rolled his eyes, "i'm not your omega seungwoo"

"but i could be" the alpha smirked, wrapping an arm around the boy's shoulder, glaring at the alpha across from him.

"get off of me!" hangyul shook seungwoo's arm off his shoulders, but seungwoo could only hold him tighter.

"only if you go on a date with me or else i'll rub my scent all over you" seungwoo whispered in the boy's ear. he knew how hangyul hated being touch by another alpha and having their scent mix with his.

seungyoun growled, seeing the scene unfold in front of him. he grabbed the alpha by the collar and pushed him away from hangyul, "get your nasty hands off of him"

seungwoo just smirked, "and who are you to tell me that? another one of those alphas who are going to hit on him?"

"that's something you would do, wouldn't you?" seungyoun let out a low growl, "if i see your hands on him one more time, you're dead meat"

he let go of the alpha and sat back down in his seat. he watched seungwoo walk away with that very same smirk on his face. he has competition now.

"are you okay?" seungyoun asked, looking at the omega in front of him.

hangyul nodded, lips curving into a small smile, "thank you"

"for what?" seungyoun asked, tilting his head to the side.

"for getting him to fuck off" hangyul replied, scrunching his nose at the smell on his shirt, "sadly i smell like him now"

the omega watched the alpha take off his sweater, "if it makes you feel better, you can wear my sweater. i'm sure its better than that asshole's scent" he handed the boy the fluffy sweater.

hangyul blushed, "i-it's definitely better"

hangyul found himself sniffing the sweater all day. it was finally an alpha's scent that didn't smell terrible to him. it was quite the opposite of that. it was to the point that he found it addicting.

"does hangyullie have a crush?" wooseok asked, smirking at the boy who was wearing someone else's sweater, "someone actually managed to break mr. lee hangyul's cold heart? which alpha was it?"

they were running around the track outside when wooseok realized that hangyul wasn't wearing what he usually wears. there was something extra this time— the oversized sweater that he was wearing. being the curious person he was, he went up to it and sniffed it and to his surprise, the scent didn't belong to hangyul.

"it's no one!" hangyul mumbled, continuing to run— run away from wooseok and his questions.

"hangyul! i'm your best friend and you never wear anyone else's clothing!" wooseok whined from behind, trying to catch up with the taller. man, screw his short legs. wooseok pouted.

"its probably seungyoun's" wooseok turned around and saw jinhyuk tailing behind him. he shyly smiled and waited for jinhyuk to catch up with him before he continued running.

jinhyuk jogged up to the boy and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together, "lets go"

wooseok nodded. he could get used to this. its only been a day and wooseok had already learned so much about the boy. he knew that jinhyuk liked holding hands and was easily jealous if any alpha were to get near him. yet, there was still so much more to learn.

"love" jinhyuk interrupted wooseok from his thoughts, "wanna go on a date later?"

love. wooseok absolutely loved being called pet names and jinhyuk knew it. it'd always make his heart flutter and his cheeks red— something jinhyuk found cute.

wooseok smiled, "i'd love to!"

this was the start of jinhyuk's mission : make kim wooseok fall in love with him all over again— and it starts now.


a/n :: its 12am and i'm feeling weishin and
seungyul vibes. okay and i've been listening
to g-friend again and shit their music slaps.

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