Ch.8// Dad Made Breakfast

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I sat on my bed, frantically typing away in my laptop.
Search bar:
Squip? Nope
S.Q.U.I.P.? Nothing
Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor? Nada.
This was frustrating.

There was a tap on my window, jolting me out of my trance. I whipped around and saw Rich, dangling from my window sill with a pained smile on his face.
I shrieked and ran to the window, pulling it open.
"Rich?! What are you doing?" I screeched grabbing his arms. He smiled dopily and hoisted himself up, with my help.

"I came thee youu~" He slurred, falling from the window and onto my floor.
"Rich are you drunk?" I grabbed his arm and helped him off the floor. He fell onto my bed, sprawling out and laughing.
"Yaaahh, are you drunk?" He booped my nose.

I swatted his hand away and sighed.
"Rich is it the Squip? Is that why you're drunk?"
He groaned and made a eck! sound.
"Thupid thquip!" He sat up and pulled me down by my arms so our faces were dangerously close. My face heated up.
"Let'th not talk about the Thquip, okay?" He smiled, humming.

I gulped, trying to break the tension in my incredibly dry throat. I could smell the alcohol on him, but one thing I could ignore.
"Rich do you have a lisp?"
He shook his head.
"No! No, that'th ridiculouth!" He giggled.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down, making me scream.
I immediately covered my mouth with my hand, being careful to be quiet since it was nearly 9:30 and my dad was probably right downstairs.

"Rich, please, if you have to keep getting drunk why don't you just get rid of it?" I frowned, staring at his dopey, adorable face. He relaxed but under all that I saw how tired he was.
"Becauth there'th no way to get Mountain Dew Red, it'th ALL GONE!!"
He turned over on his back and threw his arms up.

I sat up and covered his mouth with my hand.
"Shhhh! You'll wake up Jeremy." I hissed.
He laughed and grabbed the hand I had on his mouth.
"We gotta be quiiiiet~. Our love ith forbidden by your brother!" He laughed again.
I rolled my eyes.
"He doesn't dictate my life."

Rich pressed his lips against mine with no warning, kissing me deeply. Before I could even react, he pulled away.
"Tho don't let him." He whispered.
His brown eyes bore into mine I felt compelled to kiss him again.
Then another strong waft of alcohol hit me, and I pulled away.

"Rich, we cant do this right now you're drunk."
He whined and leaned closer but I pushed him back.
"No, not now."
He whined again, but flopped back on my pillow. "Fine." He crosses his arms and I smiled, standing up.

I walked to the end of the bed and yanked his shoes off, throwing them on my floor.
He smirked, but soon his eyelid fluttered and he was softly snoring.
I'm sure he was exhausted, so I pulled off his bandana and kissed his forehead.
I tied my hair up with it and laid next to him, to go to sleep.

I let Rich's soft snores lull me to sleep, and I felt... at peace.
Mountain Dew Red? That had to be what got rid of them. Now I had a lead, I just had to find some.

*time skip*

After a rigorous morning of forcing water down Rich's throat and forcing him out of my bedroom window, I headed downstairs with my stuff.

When I got downstairs the sight I saw immediately frightened me.
My dad, was up, making breakfast.
That was never a good thing. When he made breakfast, someone was in trouble.
And seeing as he'd been paying zero attention to Jeremy's life thus far, I assume breakfast was for me. Now I just had to figure out what piece of terribly twisted information he has learned about my roundabout life.

"Morning Y/N." He smiled, so fake it had concealer smeared all over it.
I sat down and he handed me a plate with bacon and a couple pancakes.
Oh god this was bad.

"So Y/N," He leaned on the counter, staring me down with his most fatherly glare.
"Who is 'Rich', and why was he in your bedroom last night?" He frowned.
Shoot shoot shoot how do I explain this naturally? Okay, okay. Just omit the drunk, Squip, and secret boyfriend parts. Shit that's like basically half the story.

In a blind panic of being unable to produce words, I had much better idea.
Instead of explaining, I pulled up my sleeve and showed him the finely printed ink.
He squinted and mumbled under his breath.
"Rich Goranski." He whispered, and gasped.

"Sweetie... you found your soulmate." He gasped, running around the counter to pull me into an awkward bear hug.
"Yep." I wheezed out.

But he pulled away again and leaned down to meet my eye level.
"Please tell me you and that boy did not do anything last night, or any other ti-"
"Oh god, no Dad! No! That's a negative, nada, nope." I rattled off, my face heating up.
He smirked and crossed his arms.
"Well you've obviously kissed this boy, otherwise his name wouldn't be inked on your skin."

I rolled my eyes.
"Dad, That is the extent of 'things' we've done."
He sighed and I pat my shoulder.
"Well, please, at least let me meet this boy."
I grabbed a piece of bacon and my book bag.
"Only if you stop calling him 'this boy'. Oh, and don't freak out so much about me seeing boys. Jeremy is allowed to see whoever he wants!"

"Not 'whoever he wants'. I'm just much more excited seeing him with girls, he's much more of a lost cause than you are." He laughed.
I rolled my eyes and waved before walking out the door.

Maybe not so much anymore.


Let Me Help (Goranski x Heere!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora