Okay that was a lie, I don't want to study.


Where are you even at?

Sorry, I was at the library. Getting study materials.

Ugh, that's so not sexy

Books are sexy as well as getting an A, and you are distracting


Only if you'll study.


That's what I thought. Why don't we just video chat later tonight?


Don't pout.

I'm not.

Don't lie


Love you Lance. Look at your notes. It's good for you.

Might as well just eat veggies now too

That's not a terrible idea

Ugh, I can't believe my girlfriend cares about my wellbeing.

I know, you poor soul

Alright, alright, I'll read something. I love you too



"Ugh you guys are gross." I yelped and slid from my bed at the sound of Pidge's voice startling me. When had she even made her way over here?

"Thanks for that."

"You're welcome." I pulled myself up and plopped back on my bed, tugging open a book. I opened up to Fwoopers, unfortunately, and I shuddered, flipping to a different page.

"Hey did you know they have a plaque in the library for huge academic achievers," I said and she glanced up. "I think you should be on that list."


"Well aren't you getting a time turner next year so you can take more classes? You're really smart if you hadn't noticed," I replied.

"I guess, but I can't just request to be put on some plaque."

"Well I asked Madam Malocoti to put it somewhere more visible, maybe I can request that she put you on there," I said.


"Because you deserve to be up there," I replied.

"I don't know," she said, flipping open her own book.

"Well I think you should," I replied, turning back to my book.

"Guys!" I glanced up to a heavy breathing Allura with her phone in her hand. "Guess what?!"

"What?" Pidge asked and Allura shoved me over on my bed to sit.

"Okay, I was sitting there," I said, making room. She shushed me, gripping my lips between her fingers and I eyed Pidge wearily.

"Okay, so, you know how that Sven guy won the Triwizard Tournament?" I nodded, pulling my face away from her hand. "Well turns out that he was using Magic Enhancers!"

"And that's good why?"

"Look!" she said, handing it towards me. I saw the article which she was reading and I scanned over it.

Sven has now been disqualified and the Triwizard cup is being claimed and re-awarded to Hogwarts school competitor (y/n).

"This was literally before break. It's the end of the year. What's the point?" I asked. "Besides, I really don't think I even want it. If I want anyone to win it, I want Bandor to win it. I mean he...he died for the stupid thing."

"Well you should tell the Headmaster that," she said. "I knew that Sven couldn't have won so easily."

"I guess," Pidge said, taking the article.

"But that means you really beat his ass in the rescue mission without any help. That's twice as cool!" she said.

"I suppose."

"Oh quiznak, I forgot to send this to my mom," she said.

"Why are you sending it to people?" I asked.

"Well, that just means glory for Hogwarts this year. I think it's important." I frowned and she hopped down the stairs into the common area. I glanced back to my books, fully distracted.

"Well great."


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