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"This was a great idea," Aiden said as he got out of the car and stretched his limbs. The car ride had been too long for his liking but at least there were no traffic jams and they had made good time. He could already feel the stress falling away as he breathed in the pine scented fresh air.

"Help me with the bags," Peter said and Aiden grinned over his shoulder at him. They had stopped on the way to get groceries and the trunk was full with stuff.

Peter had been mostly silent in the backseat, listening to music, but he seemed energetic enough now.
Olivia smiled at them both and then skipped, actually fucking skipped, to the front door of the cabin with the keys.
As she disappeared inside Aiden came over to the trunk to help Peter with their stuff.

"First we need some food and then we can make the bed and after maybe go out for a walk?" Aiden made the last part a question. He didn't want Peter to think he had to go along with everything he or Olivia wanted. He could totally explore on his own or stay inside with a book.

"Dinner sounds good," Peter said, grabbing two bags and heading inside.

Aiden grabbed their groceries and followed.

Once they had something to eat and took off the dust covers of the furniture the cabin looked homely. The big windows were open to air it out and Olivia was cutting a pound cake so they could have tea and cake on the porch.

Aiden couldn't think of anything he would like to do more right now than sit outside with cake and tea and these two people.

"It's nice here," Peter said, as he sat down at the rough wooden table.

Aiden nodded, looking over the small garden that pattered out into wilder vegetation. Trees were lining it on three sides.

"We used to come here pretty much every summer for a few weeks when I was a kid," he replied. "I picked blackberries straight from the bushes. What I didn't eat my mom made into cake. Man she made the best blackberry cake."

Olivia put tea and coffee on the table and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry ours is only store bought."

Aiden shrugged. "It's fine. We're roughing it after all."

She laughed and then sat down next to Peter. He looked at them both. At their similarities and their contrasts and smiled.

"Roughing it would be sleeping in a tent and not having warm water," Peter said, pouring them tea and himself coffee.

"I'm way too delicate for that kind of treatment," Aiden said, finally joining them at the table.

Peter looked at him. "You bruise easily?"

"Yeah," Aiden said. "I used to be small and scrawny too as a kid, so that had been fun."

"But you're nicely big and strong now where it counts," Olivia said and Peter choked on the sip of coffee he just took.

"Shit," Peter said, grabbing a napkin. "Warn a guy?"

"Where would be the fun in that?" She seemed totally unapologetic.

"I'm glad you approve," Aiden said.

She winked at him.

Peter took a piece of cake and started eating it.
Aiden and Olivia followed his example.

"You think we made him uncomfortable?" Aiden asked as he cuddled in the bed next to hear.

They put on fresh sheets and made up the couch for Peter and now he was looking at her and wondering. Peter hadn't said anything, but then neither would have Aiden in Peter's place.

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