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Peter was aware that he was hiding out with no real plan so far. He had his credit cards, but his bank account was nearly empty. He had no place to stay, except Olivia's guestroom and he had no job, which...with his face looking like it did a week ago had been a valid excuse, but wasn't anymore.
He needed to get his life back on track, but the problem was that he had no idea what track the hell that was.
One thing he knew for sure; and that was that he could not stay in the guestroom forever. He knew that neither Olivia nor Aiden would kick him out, but this was no hotel (and he didn't pay any rent either) and they had a life as a couple that didn't include him. No matter how easy he seemed to fit into their daily routine.
He frowned at the curry he was finishing and then startled as he heard someone behind him opening the fridge.

"You're home early," Peter said, looking over his shoulder.

"The consultation I had didn't take long, the client backed out," Aiden said, leaning against the counter. "I could have stayed longer, wait for some walk-ins, but to be honest, I was feeling bored as hell. The work is there on most days, but when it isn't – some days are just slow – I feel like the walls are closing in." He took a sip of his beer. "I meant to talk to you about this."

"Okay?" Peter asked, reducing the heat and turning to look at Aiden.

"I already talked with Olivia and she thinks it's a good idea, but you know her, she is easily excited and wants the best for everyone."

Peter smiled. That certainly was true. "So?"

"I was thinking about hiring a part-timer and I don't know if you want to stick around, we'd love you to, if you do maybe you'd like to-"

"Stop right there," Peter said. "I appreciate it, but I can't take your money on top of everything."

"It's not like we're giving it to you. You would have to work for it," Aiden said with a smile.

"Still, I can't. I'm sorry," Peter replied.

He could see that Aiden wanted to argue the point, but then he just nodded. "I understand."

He was prepared for Aiden to ask if he had any other plans, but Aiden didn't and Peter was glad for it. Because he had no other plans right now, but he would have one in the next few days. All he needed was some time with his laptop and the online classifieds section. He was sure he would find some job to get back on his feet and even if he hated to be dependent on people, he knew that there was no way he would get an apartment without a job, or having to borrow some money. Which was out of the question.
He was saved from continuing this train of thought by Olivia.

"Smells good!" she yelled from the entryway. A second later he could hear her shoes hitting the floor and then she was in the kitchen. Smiling at them.

"It's curry. I know you like Indian food," Peter said.

She nodded and soon they sat down for dinner.

It took Peter another three days to find a job. It wasn't anything fancy, but it paid alright. He gave Olivia's address as his current residence and completed his training day without any disasters happening.

"Oh," Olivia said. "Take out?"

"Italian takeout," Peter said as he entered the kitchen. "Why are you home this early?"

"Our servers crashed and we were sent home early," Olivia replied. "I was just making coffee. You want some?"

Peter nodded. "Thanks."

"So, where have you been all day?"

"I have a job," he replied.

She put her mug down and then hugged him. "That's wonderful. Tell me everything!"

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