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"Are you out of your mind?! Do you know how much this- OH MY GOD, it's you." 

Mina screamed angrily as Hyunsuk dropped to the floor to pick up the broken pieces of glass to place it onto the tray. He stood up immediately as he didn't recognize the person he bumped into yet as he apologized quickly, "I apologize. I didn't see you walking past me." 

Mina scoffed angrily as everyone started to whisper amongst themselves about the situation. Mina's family all stared with curiosity and embarrassment as she was making a big deal out of the whole situation. Hyunsuk turned to his full attention onto Mina before fully realizing who she is as he added then, "It's you..." 

"Yeah, and I can't believe a sucker like you is working at a fine gallery like this!? Who hired him?!" 

Bomin ran over to the mess as he bowed in apology towards Mina as he replied with his acting, "Oh my. I am so sorry Mina-sshi. We needed to have to train our employees better. But he just came in today." 

"Did you recommend him to be working at a nice gallery show where tons of people will be coming to? 

"I was well-aware that there would be new part-timers working today." 

"That's not an answer that I am going to accept. Fire him immediately!" 

"Look Mina-shi..I know you are very upset and we will do the best we can to fix-" 

Mina turned arrogantly over at the surprised Hyunsuk, who couldn't comprehend what was happening as she slapped the other's cheek without a notice. Everyone widened their eyes in shock and gasped amongst themselves as the photographers started to snapshot each moment to capture the dramatic moment. Hyunsuk held onto his cheek as it throbbed against the warmth as Mina turned back to Bomin to reply, "At this grand hotel, you hold an art gallery show where professionalism is the key. And you use untrained labor in the midst of this and ruin my expensive outfit. It does not matter the rumors between us because I am very upset. And he will pay the price of everything." 

She glared angrily at Hyunsuk who was staring at the ground in order to keep himself still. He knew that he felt his anger rising but he couldn't unleash it in front of the crowd who all have the money and fame. Daehwi was enjoying this show from the side as his mother scoffed in response to all this as she whispered to herself, "What a drama queen." 

"It's all for a show, mother...can't you tell?" 

"How do you know that Daehwi?" 

Daehwi crossed his arms before he smirked to himself at the scene of Hyunsuk staring upsettingly at the broken glass. He got on his knee to quietly clean up the mess as Bomin lead Mina out of the gallery hall. The atmosphere was unknown as the music was not playing as all the attention was focused on the poor waiter. Hyunsuk made sure to not make more of a mess before walking quickly towards the kitchen area where he felt his heart aching painfully at the thought of being embarrassed so badly in front of everyone within the high class. 

He clutched onto the drenched suit that he had borrowed from Jinyoung as he knew he had to then pay Jinyoung back for ruining his suit. His manager walked inside the kitchen with anger fuming from his head as he got yelled at for destroying the mood. He left the kitchen as he got kicked out before the event ended, and he didn't get his end of the pay. He felt the tears slowly rolling down his cheeks as the emotions of embarrassment and anger seeped in within his mind and heart. The girl that he bumped into was literally his worse nightmare, and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

Mina entered into Bomin's office with excitement as she sat down at his desk as if it was her own. She beamed with a victorious laugh as she turned her head towards the male as he approached the desk. "That was enough to get hate from the public right?" 

"That was more than enough....this will be all over the news. Can you handle it?" 

Mina waved her hand away in response as she turned the chair towards the window where the sun was shining brightly against the window which she felt the excitement from. She hummed to herself as Bomin made his way over to the sofa within his office. He was tapping his fingers against his knee as he asked gently, "Don't you need a new pair of clothes?" 

"Great idea...Do you have any within your hotel right now?"

Bomin was already a step ahead as he called his secretary inside the office so that Mina could change into something else. She didn't really mind the smell as the satisfaction had continued to play inside her head. She turned around to face the other as the secretary walked in with a few pieces of designer outfit that Mina could change into. He warmly smiled at her as she approached the colorful pieces as he watched her face light up immediately as she found even more excitement at seeing the limited pieces of clothing. 

He wouldn't mind getting married to least when she's excited...she seems pretty cute. 

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