Chapter 10

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My eyes widened, and the panic settled in. Steve was here. He hadn't been in the room for a while and I thought he had left for good. At least I hoped that. Turns out I was wrong. The water shut off. My heart rate increased. Ahead of me the creak of the door concentrated my focus. "Shit Tony, what are you doing here?"

His towel was wrapped around his waist, his hair glistening with droplets. "It's my room." He winced at my tone.

"Please can we not argue. Let's just move past-"

"You can shut up before you finish that sentence. Can we just agree on something? You stay out this room and preferably my life." His lip trembled, I could have sworn his eyes glassed over with tears. "Tony- I- please." Averting my gaze I faced the wall, trembling hands clenched shut and blood trickled into my mouth.

"Get out. Get out Steven! Stop thinking you can treat me like I'm your friend then leave me, leave me for dirt, leave me to fail. To crumble. And then what do you get, a perfect life, with your perfect teammates, and your perfect friends. Thanks."

He grabbed his clothes off the side, and behind my back changed into them. Rushing towards the door his keys slipped from his hand onto the floor, tears sliding down his cheeks the door slammed. The silence following was deafening.

I crumbled on the floor.

"Tony? What was that? What's happening? Where are you?" Rhodey's voice echoing into the room cast shivers down my spine.

Swallowing, I lent towards my phone laying on the bed. "Rhodes. I need to go." With shaky hands I cancelled the call, the sinking feeling in my gut turning to sickness. I stumbled to the bathroom, the lingering smell of Steve's shampoo hitting me.

The ground beneath me seemed to tumble, and my feet slid down, my back pressed firmly against the wall.

The walk to Bucky's dorm seemed impossibly long. My mind swam. I needed to let him go. I needed to stop, to not think about him to- "Hey! Watch it would ya."

My head swung up. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there."

"Nah it's okay, um, are you crying?" Furiously I wiped the tears from my face. "Dude?" I pushed past his shoulder and started to rub to Bucky's, tears free falling.

"Steve, glad you came, I was about to call- hey what's wrong?" Shaking my head I slammed into him, my hands grabbed his back, he hugged me, whispering softly in my ear.

Third person(oopsie another pov change)

"Ya know Steve, pizza really does solve all problems." Steve laughed at Bucky's remark, a smile placing itself on his once again.


"Yeah Steve?" Bucky barely turned to look at Steve, obliviously eating pizza.

"What are your opinions on um, LGBT people?" Bucky's head snapped round.

"W...what? Well. Steve there isn't anything wrong with them. They are us, I mean, they're normal people, just like us, and they should be treated the same. You know." Steve lightly smiled. Leaning across the table, Steve grabbed Bucky's hand.


"Hey Buck! Didn't expect to see you here." Both their heads swivelled up. A figure stood in front of them. "Sam, nice to meet you. Well, properly."

Bucky smiled down at the table. "Hey what you smiling at?" Sam's chuckle filled the air. "Buck?" Steve's leg shook under the table.  "Do you two know each other?"

Their heads nodded in unison. "Met Bucky I've here in one of my lecturers." Sam slid into the booth next to Bucky, and as they chatted, Steve slowly slipped away.

The library felt like the best place to be. I needed to study, to concentrate. Tony's words lingered in my head.  I knew he was right. I couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong with him. Underneath our arguments.

"Hey can I sit here?" I looked up. "Uh yeah. Do I know you? I feel like I know you."

He laughed a deep throaty laugh. "Nah, you won't know me, not a fancy sportsman like you." I was starting to think doing sports was a bad idea. "I'm Thor. Nice to meet you." He stuck his hand out in front of my book. Looking up, I reached out and lightly shook his hand.

"Odd name. Never heard it before."

"Yeah I'm from somewhere different. In our culture we have names that are different to the usual Steve. And I could say the same about yours, you have a first name as your surname."

I bit my lip. "Yeah."

"Don't mind me, I got reading to do." I pushed my earphones into my ears, Lewis Capaldi blasting through my head.

"-and he's quite annoying but sometimes he can be okay. You know. You have any siblings?" I pulled my earphone out in annoyance. "Thor, no offense but I'm trying to study and you talking is not helping. I thought you said you had work to do or something."

"Yes yes so sorry." The song had moved on. I'm coming to terms with a broken heart, I guess that sometimes good things fall apart.

"-I mean I was thinking I could take up a sport, but my father said I wouldn't be good enough. Too weak apparently. Strange isn't it tha-"

"Would you just shut up! I'm can't with you right now. Just leave me alone. Leave me alone." I ripped the earphones off my head, scrunching them up in the palm of my hand and turned to leave the library, fuming.

My face was pressed firmly against a cold surface, burning my skin. Lifting my head the blurry vision cleared and the bathroom in front of me appeared. I shuddered. The cold air seeped slowly under my skin. With shaky steps I left the bathroom and headed out of the dorm, softly closing the door, I let my feet lead me where I needed to be the most.

Hello y'all. I have like no motivation for this story, I currently hate my writing. But I'm still gonna write it because it's partly because I hate this part of my plan. It's kinda a filler section. Also Thor is here. Whoop! Sorry for the massive amount of POV changes, it's just easier than making really short chapters. They're all aimed to be about 1000 words. Hope they're an okay length. Also also. Nearly Christmas, so keep an eye out on my profile because I'm going to be writing a one shots book and the first one will be a Christmas one. And I have been pretty good at updating which I know a certain someone (you know who you are my dude) will be super happy and not be bugging me to update. Thanks for the motivation though.
Like always please vote, and comment, hope you enjoyed this chapter, and have a fantastic day!
Ali :)

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